Leavers 2023

joshua leavers.mp4
Mrs Bush award.mp4

Joshua your time in Crownbridge School has come to an end.

Many of us have been lucky to call you a friend.

Your story started in class four,

With Mrs D your teacher.

The years have flown we can’t believe,

Your now a Crownbridge leaver.

We know just how you’re  feeling when you step outside the car.

Are you tired?......... been awake a while?

Or that cheeky, mischievous smile.

Well Josh we’ve done some walking,

To Woodlands Park and back.

Your strides so long , that all you hear is,

Slow down Josh, come back!!!

“We’re going on a bear hunt” you’ll say when walking through the trees.

“I see a bear, where’s he gone?” You love to play and tease.

Throughout the years, whenever out,

You’re always on a mission,

To find a tree and rip its leaves

Your happy place obsession.

Make sure you visit us from time to time,

Joshua Gearon it’s your time to shine.

Mike your time in Crownbridge School has come to an end,

Many of us have been lucky to call you a friend.

You started as a young lad so long ago,

You are now a young man who is a pleasure to know.

Horse riding , athletics, rugby, café, you'll give it a go,

But after 2 weeks you’ll end up saying no, no, no!

You used to dance and act the fool,

Now we all know you are to cool for school.

You sometimes come in stroppy and in a mood,

But everyone loves you as you are the cool dude.

You used to see work  and it would make you run,

Who would of thought you'd  get your GCSEs done.

Get the camera out and all we get is your back,

Are you afraid the lens may crack.

What was that noise a smash and a boom,

Oh its just Michael leaving the room.

A sat nav  or  dj voice and all the rest,

But The giraffe voice is definitely the best.

The thought of you leaving us makes us sad and turn pale,

But we know you will have the best time in college at Ebbw vale.

Make sure you visit us from time to time

Mike its your time to shine

ben leavers 2.mp4

Ben your time in Crownbridge School has come to an end.

Many of us have been lucky to call you a friend.

You watch the room and quietly smile.

Understanding and processing all the while.

J. Donaldson, Rio and Dog loves books, that’s your favourite T.V.

You always get hooked.

At meal times you have to eat each little bite.

Not leaving the table ‘till there’s nothing in sight.

You love to sniff newly washed hair, and twirl it.

Kirsty’s long locks are always a favourite.

In circle time we whoop with joy,, when we prompt and plead

To hear you say”oi”.

During free choice it’s sand play for you.

With Tom by your side,

The inseparable two.

Wherever we go there’s never a draft,

All doors shut by Ben

Never one left ajar.

Your sense of humour is clever and fun.

You’ll choose sad for a hug,

Then you’re happy……. Job done.

Make sure you visit us from time to time.

Ben Holton it’s your time to shine.

amy leaver.mp4

Amy your time in Crownbridge School has come to an end.

Many of us have been lucky to call you a friend.

You came from New Inn then your journey began.

Meeting new friends and teachers,

You’ve done all you can.

Here is a list of some memories made,

Horse riding, residential, Melin Homes and school plays.

You love doing hair of both class mates and staff.

With bobbles and slides, it is never a task.

Whether indoors or out, come rain wind or shine

You’re often heard asking “What is the time”?

Mama Mia and Abba,

You love film and song.

At breaktime you’ll relish a good singalong.

You’ve met Owen Money the star of the show.

But when asked to tell all

You say “Oh I dunno”!!!

Each day we all sit and say hi to our peers.

It’s a routine you’ve had over all of the years.

With a cheeky smile and a wag of your finger,

You look at our friend and say “naughty Lynda”.

Make sure you visit us from time to time,

Amy Hill it’s your time to shine.

Class 111 Will - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

William, it’s time for you to leave us, William, what can we say?

A day without you, at Crownbridge, will be a very strange day!


Over the years, watching you grow, everyone who has spent time with you,

Has fallen in love your cheeky smile, and all of the tickles too!


‘Swimming on a Monday, splash in the water’, ‘Chips on a Friday, yum, yum!’,

‘Home to Daddy, two sleeps (zzz zzz), we always know the next phrase to come!


You’re such a playful lad, making meaningful friendships at school.

Rough and tumble with Shay and James, and soft play with Flo is pretty cool!


We will miss hearing ‘Ipad please!’ and we say ‘Work first’,

A bit of relaxation with you is our fave, holding your bottle to quench your thirst.


Good bye and Good luck Will, we are so proud of you!

We hope you enjoy your next adventure, and we will miss you so much too!


William, it’s time for you to leave us, William, what can we say?

A day without you, at Crownbridge, will be a very strange day!