GCSE Celebration 2023

Following the success of 2 pupils in 2021, 8 pupils were identified as suitable to complete the Entry Level Maths GCSE, they were…

Some of the pupils in the group had a very negative view of maths and were quite nervous about their maths lessons, we, (encouraged by Mrs Coombs) decided to call our lessons…

We started to learn about some very important key concepts in maths within the following categories..

We even learnt a song to help us remember the Mean, Median, Mode and Range (Daniel will happily demonstrate!)

To pass the Entry Level GCSE:
We had to do 4 x pieces of coursework,  4 x end of unit tests and 1 exam!

This was the first time pupils had to complete work in this way, we followed some very clear rules:

-No talking

-No asking for help

-Completing our work within a 30 minute time frame

Firstly pupils completed the 4 pieces of coursework in class whilst also following the Entry Level GCSE framework. Then it was time for the tests!
Despite a lot of initial nerves, pupils sat the 4 tests following the very strict rules in place.

Alongside the tests, the pupils carried on working on their maths skills. Pupils practised some really useful maths skills for the future.

The pupils visited Croesyceiliog School to have a look at the hall and understand the process of completing the exam.

Alongside the tests, the pupils carried on working on their maths skills. Pupils practised some really useful maths skills for the future.


The pupils were absolutely amazing! They followed all the rules, completed the exam!

A well deserved treat!!

We were all so proud, so as a treat we had a fun afternoon at the Harvester and the Boating Lake!