Y Senedd

Mary Immaculate takes great pride in our dynamic pupil voice group ‘Y Senedd’; it is made up of six different departments. 

Each department is made up of pupils from the upper four classes with the younger children contributing their ideas through class meetings of ‘Y Senedd Bach’. The departments are involved in all aspects of school life including the appointment of staff. An annual election ballot take place during the summer term each year to elect the First Ministers who will lead ‘Y Senedd’, alongside the Faith Ambassadors’ throughout the next academic year. The leads of the departments are also appointed annually. Our departments meet regularly throughout the year, with their assigned staff members, in order to make action plans and drive pupil voice within our school. 

 'Nearly all pupils, including those from disadvantaged groups, enjoy opportunities to participate in leadership roles through their involvement in the numerous pupil voice groups. They undertake their roles conscientiously and confidently. They lead purposeful initiatives that have a positive impact on the life of the school, and they develop valuable leadership skills as a result. For example, the ‘Super Ambassadors’ work with staff to make changes to the school uniform and members of ‘Y Senedd’ collaborate maturely with leaders to develop the school’s curriculum.'

'Pupils have a strong voice in designing their curriculum through the school’s Senedd, where each member is attached to a department that considers different aspects of the life of the school. At the start of each theme, following stimulating engagement sessions to get the pupils interested and enthused, pupils have good opportunities to talk about and suggest what they would like to learn and to guide the direction that the thematic work will take. /

Estyn, 2023


Y Senedd share the school priorities with our community.