Catholic Virtues
The development of the Catholic Virtues ensures that pupils value and respect themselves and others as made in the image and likeness of God.
We think about what kind of person God wants us to be, as well as what virtues or qualities we need to grow in order to become that person. This is where the Catholic Pupil Profile supports everyone’s journey within the school to become that person. It is made up of eight Virtue Pairs based on Jesus’ teaching.
Pupils are reminded to ‘live out’ the virtues and their actions are recognised in Friday’s celebration assembly through caught moments. These caught moments are celebrated and placed on the ‘Virtue Tree’ by the Faith Ambassadors, and celebrated in our weekly newsletter.
At Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School, we are growing to be all of these virtues. Each half term we will be focusing on a different virtue pair. Each virtue pair is 'launched' at the beginning of each half-term through an assembly led by our Department of Spiritual Life and Faith Ambassadors. Each class is then set an activity to complete to deepen their knowledge and understanding further. Scroll down to view our Virtue focus for each half-term.
Our Virtue focus for Spring 1 2025
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be
Grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.
To be grateful is to always appreciate the gifts and blessings we have been given.
To be generous is to give something to someone else, to share with someone else, willingly and happily, without expecting anything.
Our Virtue focus for Autumn 2 2024
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be:
Intentional: planning our actions and choosing to live how God wants us to. Every action we make has an impact on other people and the world around us. If we live intentionally, we listen to our conscience and deliberately decide that the actions we take will have a positive impact. We use the earth’s resources wisely, think about the choices we make, and care for God’s creation.
Prophetic: spreading the word of God through how we live our lives. As we choose to act intentionally and make good decisions, we encourage others to do the same. We set a good example through our words and deeds and inspire other people to act in a positive and wise way. We help people to make the right decisions themselves and think about how God wants them to live their lives.
Our Virtue focus for Autumn 1 2024
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be:
Curious: Exploring God’s creation and asking questions to find out more. Everything around us was created by God. Being curious about these things – from tiny insects to enormous planets, from the languages of the Earth to the patterns made by numbers – brings us closer to God.
Active: Working to make things better where we can. Making the right choices to how to act. As we use our curiosity to explore, we find things that could be better: a friend is unhappy; a neighbour is lonely; there is litter in the playground; the whiteboard needs wiping. Some of these problems we can fix. By being active we take responsibility for these tasks and look after God’s creation.
Our Virtue Activities - Autumn 1 2024
Our Virtue focus for Summer 1 2024
Our Virtue focus for Summer 2 2024
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be:
Eloquent: the ability to speak or write fluently, persuasively and appropriately. We are eloquent when we use language to express our ideas or opinions clearly and with conviction. When we choose our words, we should do so carefully so they are kind and compassionate, and don’t hurt others. Eloquence isn’t limited to speaking and writing. We can express ourselves in other ways like music, drama, painting or dance. We should use our creative gifts to say things in a way that is interesting, truthful, memorable and faithful.
Truthful: God wants us to be truthful in all we do. Jesus said, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’, so being honest and truthful means we are following in his footsteps and living life the way God wants us to. Being truthful is being faithful to ourselves and to Jesus. We should stand up for the truth.
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be:
Intentional: planning our actions and choosing to live how God wants us to. Every action we make has an impact on other people and the world around us. If we live intentionally, we listen to our conscience and deliberately decide that the actions we take will have a positive impact. We use the earth’s resources wisely, think about the choices we make, and care for God’s creation.
Prophetic: spreading the word of God through how we live our lives. As we choose to act intentionally and make good decisions, we encourage others to do the same. We set a good example through our words and deeds and inspire other people to act in a positive and wise way. We help people to make the right decisions themselves and think about how God wants them to live their lives.
Our Virtue focus for Spring 1 2024
Our Virtue focus for
Spring 2 2024
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be:
Compassionate: We are compassionate when we feel sympathy and concern for other people who are in difficulty, whether they are near to us or far away.
Loving: We are loving when we show our sympathy and concern for other people by our actions and by our words.
Our Virtue focus for Autumn 1 2023
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be:
Faith-filled: We are faith-filled when we are living life as God inspires us to live it, putting the Gospel into action through our actions. We have to build on it every day through prayer.
Hopeful: We are hopeful when we are optimistic about the future, we trust ourselves and others, and we don’t give up. Our faith teaches us that God is hope.
Our Virtue focus for Autumn 2 2023
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be
grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, becoming men and women for others.
To be grateful is to always appreciate the gifts and blessings we have been given.
To be generous is to give something to someone else, to share with someone else, willingly and happily, without expecting anything.
Pupils in Mary Immaculate are growing to be
attentive to their experience and to their vocation;
and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices.
To be attentive means that we take the time to notice the big and small things in our lives, each day. We notice how others respond to what we do and say. We pay attention and listen to God and others when they are speaking to us.
To be discerning means that we are able to choose better what is good for us and for others. It helps us to choose God’s will for us. It helps us to become the person God has called us to be.