Welcome to Art

with Ms. Wells!

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Our classroom Blog:

This is where you can stay up to date with announcements, pictures of what we've been up to in the art room, and more!  

Pre-K Collaborative Painting

Pre-K stuents completed on a collaborative painting inspired by Jackson Pollock over this second semester. It is now hanging outside of the main office for all to enjoy! 

Rolling cars and other tools for the background

Experimenting with white oil pastels and tempera cakes

Painting cool colors for one half of the background

Welcome back, Artists! 

Hello BPS students and families! I hope you had a great summer! I am looking forward to seeing you all next week, and I hope you have a great first day of school whether you have art on Mondays or not. :)

I have been working hard to get the art room ready for you all this summer. Here's a sneak peek of what you'll see during your first class with me next week!

As we get into this new year together, please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. My email is rwells@huusd.org

See you soon! 

-Ms. Wells

A student poses, camoflauged infront of a background painted with many colorful dots. 

The 2022 

BPS Art Show! 

The 2022 BPS art show brought our community together for a night of fun and inspiration. Here are some photos and videos from this very special event!

I would like to thank all of my colleagues, and volunteers who made this all possible!

Lighting up our way to the lantern parade! 


Students, staff, volunteers and community members have been creating together for the whole of November. Lanterns of all shapes and sizes are finally ready tonight, on the eve of the River of Light! 

THANK YOU to all of the parent volunteers and community members who have come together to make this happen. <3 

Art Shenanigans Update


Happy Friday, everyone! 

My fellow artists and I have been so busy in the art room that I am now just getting around to compiling some photos to share with you all! 

Our artists have been creating with amazing enthusiasm, respect for materials, and others. We started the year by studying different types of line in Pre-k, and using those lines to create a self-portrait and partner line drawings in Kindergarten! Your student may even be able to show you some "line stretches" that we got to do in some classes! Students drew a random line on their paper and gave it to their partner to create into something original! 

Meanwhile, 1st-4th grade worked in pairs to create bridges, and made blind continuous line drawings!

This week, we have all been celebrating International Dot Day. Pre-k and Kindergarten made consecutive circle paintings inspired by Kandinsky. 

1st grade learned about "Monsieur Seurat" who used the style of pointillism in his paintings, with lots of little dots. 2nd grade explored the life and work of Yayoi Kusama and made their own dots. With our extra time, we also talked about her installation art and started to paint a chair for our own installation inspired by Kusama. 

3rd grade learned about Lichtenstein's use of Ben Day Dots during the Pop Art movement, and 4th grade made their own mandalas inspired by traditional Buddhist designs. 

Students have also been exploring different matrieals in our drawing, architecture and sculpture statoin in our earned open studio time. 

Stay tuned to see our collaborative dot display! 


Hello Brookside! I have been spending a lot of time in the art room this summer getting it ready for our new year together! For those of you who are curious as to what the art room looks like now, I have added some photos below! 

Before entering the art room, students will see our active listening MONA LISA. They will also have the opportunity to put their own popsicle stick in the emotion that they are feeling that day.


Students will then enter the room quietly following the white line on the floor, to our meeting area. 

We have quick meeting area at the rug, and for our architecture station. 

At our architecture station we can draw our ideas, learn about the history of architecture, flip through architecturally inspired books, and build with legos and blocks!

On our whiteboard, you'll also find the noise levels for our classroom, inspired by the creatures living right outside our back door! 

Here you'll also find Ms. Wells' reading chair, where she will read many art books! Yay! When the sign reads OPEN, she can take questions and thoughts. When the sign is CLOSED, she can only take emergency questions and thoughts such as "I need a band aid!!!" or "I need to go to the bathroom!"

Right beside Ms. Wells' reading chair are some stations for sewing, weaving, stamping, drawing, block printing, and so on. These stations will open up as artists demonstrate mastery of skills in each, and show that they are ready for a new station. 

Behind the reading chair and whiteboard is the Calm Down Corner- a place to go when you are in need of some quiet time to calm down. There are many ways to calm down- you can draw on a whiteboard, practice a fun breathing technique, ay down on the rug beneath the table, hug a stuffed animal, play with a squishy ball from the Break Bin, etc. If you enter the calm down corner, Ms. Wells will come to check in on you to see if you're feeling better and ready to resume with the class.  


After an introduction to the day, students will be dismissed from the rug to their seats and can collect materials from the stations that are open and from our Materials Cart. This cart has every day materials that artists will want often. 

Every student will be 3ft apart from their neighbor and will have a plexiglass barrier between them and the person in front of them. This set up will keep us, our friends and our families healthy! 

Our clay center will open later on in the year. 

Our painting center is somewhat under construction at the moment. 

These are our ARTIST classroom norms! We will have a chance to work on some visuals for these very soon! 

Adjacent to the sinks is our very cute bathroom- just big enough for one toilet! Please remember to wash your hands at the sinks outside, afterward. 

Are you done with what you're working on for the day and we still have open studio time left? Go on over to the "I'm Done Box" for some ideas on how to use your time wisely. 

...and when you leave, please sign out on the sign out sheet and bring the hall pass with you!

Thank you for taking this tour of the art room! 

Until next time, 

Ms. Wells <3