Hutto ISD Instructional Technology Mission
Provide support for all Hutto ISD staff with purposeful technology integration to:
inspire innovation and excellence
advance district-wide academic goals
increase productivity, collaboration, and communication
While technology brings numerous benefits to education, technology is only as effective as its use in the classroom. Technology use should be used at the right time, in the right way, and for the right purpose. By following educational theory and practice, technology can have more purpose and help generate more positive outcomes (Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning, 2020).
Tutorials & Getting Started Guides
Hot Topics
24-25 Technology App Changes (What is the district purchasing and not purchasing?)
Elementary Chromebook Cart Management (Expectations & How to Get More Chromebooks/Carts)
Classwize Replaced Dyknow (Monitor all of your students Chromebook screens at once.)
Kelly Hong
Director of Instructional Technology,
Virtual Learning, & Library Services
Hutto ISD Academics Department
Have a technical question or need something fixed?Â
Please contact the Hutto ISD Technology Department.