Brenkwitz Current Programs

Senior Support 

Transitioning out of high school is not an easy thing to navigate. We understand that every person’s journey is unique and we want to empower our students to feel confident in taking charge of their futures by giving them one-on-one support so that they have a plan after high school that they are ready to embark on once they graduate.

Dates and Times: Wednesdays, 2pm-3:30pm

 (Brenkwitz - dates and times are subject to change in the future)

Location: Room F1

What our program offers:

1. Personalized Advising

2. College Enrollment Assistance

3. Financial Aid Application Assistance

4. AB540 Affidavits (For qualifying individuals such as undocumented students, to ensure in-state tuition (lower cost))

5. Career Exploration

Please contact our staff at for any questions or further support! We hope to support your journey, wherever your path leads you!

Funding provided by Hayward Promise Neighborhood