About AVID


Avid is a college preparatory program that is focused on closing the achievement gap for colleges.

AVID develops a student's ability to independently learn, study, and the behavioral skills that are necessary to succeed in high school. These skills and habits are honed for college readiness for all students.

Avid Elective teachers dedicate their time to creating a growth mindset learning environment by testing students: Organizational, Collaborative, Critical Thinking, and Writing skills using AVID tailored strategies to support an overall better learning experience.

What is an AVID Student?

AVID targets students who are work driven with the desire to go to college. These are students who are capable of completing rigorous curriculum and are capable of using the resources that Avid provides. Typically, they will be the first in their families to attend college, and many are from low-income or minority families. AVID strives to put students in challenging courses in preparation for and set them on the right path to a 4-year college

What are AVID’s Objectives?

To provide academic instruction and support to students and to prepare them for four-year colleges and universities. To give students college level skills in writing, inquiry, collaboration, and reading. To prepare students to succeed in AP level classes. To prepare students to succeed in college. To increase students’ levels of college choices and careers through completion of the A-G requirements and volunteer/community service activities.

Who We Are!

AVID Senior Class

[Class of 2022]

Avid Juniors

[Class of 2023]

Avid Sophomores

[Class of 2024]

Avid Freshman

[Class of 2025]

Volunteering & Helping out the Community!


Field Trips