How Dragonflies React to Climate Change


Because of climate change, the dragonfly species is starting to change. In the scenario of a change in their habitat, a species will do one of three things: adapt to the new environment, migrate, or eventually die out. In this circumstance, the dragonflies' wings' colors are changing which is an example of adaptation. There was a study from 2005-2019 to dissect this topic even more and how it could possibly even occur to other species of animals that also use certain coloring for traits and survival tactics.

Why is the color of dragonflies wings so important?

The color of dragonflies' wings are very important for a few reasons. One reason being it is needed for reproduction because darker wings attract more potential mates. Furthermore, the darker colored wings are used to intimidate rivals which is obviously a very significant survival tactic. So overall, the dark color of a male dragonfly's wings is a key part in survival.

How are dragonflies adapting to climate change and why is it harmful?

We can see that in warmer climates, male dragonflies' wings seem to appear very much lighter than the normal dark color they have in cooler climates. This is a problem because their dark wings are a key part of their survival and if their lightly colored wings take the majority, it could be a major problem for the dragonfly species. They could possibly die out if this continues to happen, but a study about this topic has shown it is extremely unlikely for this pattern to continue, so there are no further concerns about this as of now. 

Males vs. females

The same study referenced in the last section proved that male and female dragonflies do NOT react the same to climate change. As the ornamentation color of the males' wings turn lighter, the females' do not, as they remain the same.

Other species and how you can help reduce climate change. 

Although dragonflies are seen to discontinue this pattern, the study says they could possibly see other animal species reacting the same way and maybe even continuing that pattern long-term. These changes do not only affect dragonflies, but other species as well, which could possible put said species in danger. Believe it or not, there are ways YOU can help reduce this problem! You can help reduce climate change by using reusable items, plant plants, take public transportation or ride a bike, don't buy new things often, save energy at home (water, electricity, etc.), and/or even just eating more vegetables can help!


ornamentation color - the color of the pattern on a dragonfly's wings