Science In The News

Mauna Loa has large lava flow, active for the first time in four decades.

Large lava flow from Mauna Loa is heading towards a Hawaiian road. Many tourists and locals are gathering to watch because of the beauty and the symbolism to them.

December 5th, 2022

Splash down! NASA's Orion return to Earth after historic moon mission

The space craft returned 9:40 am PST, December 11th, 2022. It splashed down near Baja, California in the Pacific Ocean. It had been gone for 25.5 days.

Newly found T Rex ancestor that had spiked horns around its eyes.

Found in 2017, but dug up in 2021. New Dinosaur has DNA connections to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Northeast Montana

Robotic Sleeves Could Help Children With Cerebal Palsy

The University of California team plans to make a sleeve to help children with cerebal palsy.

October 2022