Rock Pocket Evolution

Rock Pocket Mouse Evolution

This is the pocket mouse in New Mexico and it is changing colors from tan color to dark. The mutations happened years before the lava flow. 

"The rock pocket mice show us that evolution can and does repeat itself...and why evolutionary change is never-ending. As environments transform, so must the species that inhabit them, adapting and re-adapting in the great and complex battle of life." (HHMI Biointeractive)

This is the Valley of New Mexico where the pocket mice are. Evolution has made it from 1,000 years ago to now. The evolution started with the lava flow. The map shows a satellite view and the map view of this location. 

The timeline for the events are that the mice mutaions started long before in 1023. Then the lava flow started in 1023. Now today dark fur mutations rules on the lava flow. 

Mc1r Gene



The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.

Natural Selection

The process that results in the adaptation of an organism. So you are selectively reproducing changes in its genetic constitution.


The change in the DNA sequence of an organism.


An animal that naturally preys on another. Some examples of predators are: Tigers, mammals, Wolves, Lions, Bears, Leopards and Hawks to name a few. 

Lava Flow

A stream of molten rock that pours or oozes from an erupting vent in the volcano. 


The molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information responsible to function the organism. 


The basic unit of heredity passed from parent to child. That goes on and on in a family. 

The main reasons why the events were driving in the natural section was because the rock pocket mice reproduce quickly and very often. So the favored trait accumulated in the population just like the dark colored mice did. 

Evolution is NOT random it is a natural selection by the environment. 

Evolution by Natural Selection

When there is lava flow the tan fur mice decreases and the black fur increases. Then, when there is no lava flow the tan fur increases and black fur decreases. 


Here is a video about natural selection and how the pocket mice fur colors are changing from mutations.