
Good Morning,

For today's assignment you will need a coin, and an open area to workout in.

You are going to flip your coin a total of 10 times. If it lands on heads you will do what exercise is listed next to heads. If it lands on tails, you will do what exercise is listed next to tails. I would like for you to time yourself.

For your participation grade, you will need to tell me how long it took you to complete all 10 flips. You may turn it by emailing it to me at croser@huntingtoncatholic.org, or write it down and turn in to me BY Friday Jan. 29th at the end of the school day. If I do not receive anything, you will receive a 0 for this assignment.

If you do not remember what an exercise is then please ask a parent/family member. If you still don't know then choose an exercise that you do remember how to do.

1st Flip: Heads - skip around your living room Tails – 3 squats

2nd Flip: Heads - jump on your right foot 10 times Tails - 5 stars jumps

3rd Flip: Heads – 10 jumping jacks Tails – spin in a circle 5 times

4th Flip: Heads - 30 second jump rope Tails - 30 second jog in place

5th Flip: Heads – jump on your left foot 10 times Tails - 20 arm circles

6th Flip: Heads – jump as high as you can 15 times Tails – 3 squats

7th Flip: Heads – Balance on your left foot for 10 seconds Tails - 5 star jumps

8th Flip: Heads – Balance on your right foot for 10 seconds Tails - 20 jumping jacks

9th Flip: Heads – hop around your kitchen Tails - 5 squats

10th Flip: Heads – 5 squats Tails - 3 star jumps