I would like to terminate my contract.

Please contact our support team for the requirements

When will I receive my delivery fee?

immediately after completing the delivery.

How do I receive my delivery fee?

There are two payment methods:
1 You can convert from wallet to STCpay.
2 You can receive cash orders and pay from your wallet and receive cash from the customer

I have received a little delivery fee. What do I do?

Delivery fees is preidentified and considered from the Pick up ( Restaurant) to Drop off ( Customer) as dynamic.

How can I be qualified for my bonus payment?

Rider eligibility depends on achieving the offer requirements.

How can I start working?

1. Go to status page

2. Choose the button "start working"

3. Choose the type of the vehicle (Car Or Bike)

4. Choose bag type (Standard box)

5. Click on (I agree to the Roadrunner privacy policy )

6.Click Start

How can I stop working

1 Go to status page
2 choose the button ''stop working''

I can't start my shift?

Please contact us from the app:
( Rider support )

What's a double-pickup?

Double-pickups are pretty common, It mostly happens if two customers live close to each other and the order is from the same restaurant. Usually, the app shows the customer's address after the food has been picked up. If you have a double-pick up you'll be guided after picking up the second order.

Note: The delivery fee will increase and saving time and money.

Why didn't I receive my refund?

Because you didn't meet the Refund Policy. For any inquiries, please contact the Support Team with providing the order ID.

I had an accident during my delivery. What should I do?

Please contact the support team and provide Najem report included to the order ID as the company policy.