Hungarian Library

Open again!

The Hungarian Library has been launched again in
September 2019. During the pandemic we offered
books out of the trunks of our cars, but since March
2023 we have a nice little library room in the building of the Mercer Island United Methodist Church.

We take care of the library books of the Association, organize newly donated books and lend books to children and adults alike.

We also have an online catalog where you can browse and put books on hold.

The library is open from 9.30 am to 12pm on days when the Hungarian School is in session.

If you have any questions regarding the library, books, the catalog system, or need a recommendation for a good read, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Keep on reading! Olvasni jó!

Bernadette Dósa
Julianna Polner
Anna Gergely


Questions, ideas, comments and donations are welcome: