Instruction-based Employment

Learn side by side with your professors!

In the College of Professional Studies and the School of Education, we do everything we can to offer you the chance to learn alongside your professors, to truly engage with your learning. We understand that the day-to-day mentorship and networking that comes from being an Instructional Student Assistant offers every future teacher immeasurable support.

Each semester, our College offers our students the chance to try out their teaching skills with our paid instructional student assistant (ISA) positions. Learn how to design lesson plans, facilitate class discussions, design classroom activities, and more with the support of your professors.

For instructors

Please contact Corrina Wells to begin the appointment process for your ISA. Remember your student cannot be currently enrolled in the course. You will be required to complete Human Resources Form 600 BEFORE the student can begin working with you.

How can I be an ISa?

  1. Reach out to your professor and tell them you would like to be an ISA.

  2. Establish a course that both you and your professor feel you could offer instructional support in, that you're NOT currently enrolled in.

  3. Work with the Dean's office team to be appointed as an ISA for the course.