What is Happening in P.E.?

September Newsletter

October Newsletter

Jump Rope For Heart

Hi EH Families,

We officially started this year’s Kids Heart Challenge today! Our community counts on lifesavers like you. Can we count on you to help us hit our goal of getting

50% of our kiddos participating? BONUS: your student will get this awesome wristband just for joining Ellsworth Hill’s team! DOWNLOAD THE APP - APPLE DEVICE  OR  ANDROID DEVICE and search for our school!

Finn’s Mission: Ellsworth Hill Families - Have you met heart hero, Finn? He’s sharing Finn’s Mission to help us all help kids with special hearts – like him! Completing Finn’s Mission will teach you and your family life saving skills like Hands-Only CPR. Plus, when your student completes all the missions, they’ll earn Finn’s Lifesavers Award! Visit our school page at http://www2.heart.org/goto/EllsworthHillElementary or DOWNLOAD THE APP - APPLE DEVICE 

OR  ANDROID DEVICE and search for our school to get started today!

Stay tuned for more information! Have a great day! 

Jump for a Cause

As part of our Kids Heart Challenge we will also be hosting several Jump Rope Parties for both 1st and 2nd grade levels before school. These VOLUNTARY jump rope parties will be held on Tuesday (04/23), Wednesday (04/24), Tuesday (04/30) and Wednesday (05/01) from 8:15-8:45am.

To reach our overall Ellsworth Hill goal of $16,000, students are asked to bring a suggested donation of $5 cash for the American Heart Association. These parties will provide students/families an opportunity to donate towards the American Heart Association.

Please consider the following Jump Rope Party event details:

Each student must get their own ride to school (NO BUSING will be provided to the Jump Rope Party).

Parents can drop off their child at the main entrance (Door A) at 8:15am or later (Door A will NOT open until 8:15am).

No parents are allowed in the building during the jump rope parties.

Each Jump Rope Party will last for 30 minutes.

Students will go straight to their homeroom classroom immediately following the Jump Rope Party at 8:45am.

Here are the specific homeroom classes assigned to each day:

Tuesday (04/23) Second Grade: Feskanin, Jones, Dennis, Dulay, Curtin, Peterson and Newland

Wednesday (04/24) Second Grade: Hall, Oleksiw, Oshaben, Schilling (Valetta), Smoral, Long and Catalano-Jones

Tuesday (04/30) First Grade: Cribari, Norris, Marshall (Hoy), Mock (Biondi), Grannis, Thrane, Carbone and Cribari

Wednesday (05/01) First Grade: Adams, Hood, Clements, Walter, Gerhart, Silcox and Palmer