Class Expectations

Our room is a BRAVE SPACE:

And the rules are simple.

We are here to learn. To take risks. To engage in conversations. To make suggestions about improving the world we live in. To read. To ask more questions. To grow. To experience other cultures. To reflect on our society's good and bad decisions. To figure out where we fit in.

My one rule, keep our room a BRAVE SPACE.

When students come to class and have their ideas shut down, it's no longer safe. When we are having a discussion and there is side conversation going on, it is no longer safe. When students are trying something new for the first time and we're not supportive, it's no longer safe. Your job is to check yourself and your behavior- is what I'm doing SUPPORTING the kind of classroom we want to have? Am I taking away someone else's chance to learn? When the answer is yes, we will have a problem, and I will address you about the issue and we will work to resolve it.

Technology Expectations:

  • CHROMEBOOKS: Hooray! We are 1:1 this year! That means your Chromebook is now another school supply item that you need to bring to class every single day CHARGED and ready to go. We will be using our Chromebooks daily, and if you do not have your Chromebook charged and in class, you will end up having to do assignments by hand and then submitting your work AGAIN later on your device.

  • CELL PHONES: Cell phones are expected to be kept in backpacks or otherwise put away during class. Occasionally, I will permit cell phone (usually to take pictures of things to remember, etc.), so I will let you know which times phones are allowed and when they are not. Ultimately, YOU need to learn how to curb your own cell phone addictions - especially at home while doing homework.

  • GOOGLE CLASSROOM: It is expected that you regularly check our Google Classroom page (daily, if not more). This is where all classroom communication will take place and you are responsible for knowing the latest announcements and assignments. Everything is clearly dated in Google Classroom, so be sure to keep track of those dates on the calendar in your phone or in your planner. Most of our assignments will be submitted via Google Classroom.



Homework is due the next school day unless an alternate due date is given. Assignments that are incomplete/not finished will receive a ZERO. Partial credit is NOT given!


  • Late work [independent practice] is NOT accepted at any point during the school year.


  • Late work is only accepted up until the final, summative assessment of the unit. After that assessment, none of the assignments from that unit will be accepted. A ZERO will be put in the gradebook and will stay there until I get a chance to look at your late work. All work turned in on time has first priority, so just a heads up, your zero might stay there for a while. Avoid this by simply turning your work in on time.

  • Revisions are available for any assignment that is submitted on time. Late work in any case is NOT eligible for revision.

    • Revisions are permissible on any formative or summative assessment that scores anything below a 70%.

    • If you have decided to revise, upon submission of your revision, please email and notify Mrs. Bronski. No notification will result in your revision NOT being graded.

    • Once an assignment is returned, you have two days to resubmit. Upon resubmitting, the two grades will be averaged. Your newly averaged grade will then go into PowerSchool with a note that the assignment was revised and edited.

  • 10 points will be deducted from the final grade for each day the assignment is late. Projects will not be accepted after 5 days past the due date!


  • In the grade book, an assignment will be given a grade of 0 and marked missing until the work is turned in at which point the grade will be adjusted. No points will be deducted for lateness if a student is absent, unless a student turns in the work beyond the given grace per

  • If a student earns a "0" due to choosing not to complete an assignment for whatever reason, "ne" or "no evidence" will be entered into the grade book as a comment.

District Grading Policy:

A+ 97-100

A 94-96


B+ 87-89

B 84-86

B- 80-83

C+ 77-79

C 74-76

C- 70-73

D+ 67-69

D 64-66


F 0-59

Assignments and assessments will have the following percentages given to them:

Summative: 50% Chapter tests, unit tests, large projects at the end of a unit/novel, essays [3 per marking period]

Formative: 40% Quiz within a novel, small projects or follow up writing assignments, class work, quizzes, journals [5 per marking period]

Independent Practice: 10% Classwork/Homework [5 per marking period]

Absences and PowerSchool

In the grade book, an assignment will be given a grade of 0 and marked missing until the work is turned in at which point the grade will be adjusted. No points will be deducted for lateness if a student is absent, unless a student turns in the work beyond the given grace period.


Summative: Longer writing tasks and end-of-unit tasks/projects that answer the essential question.

Formative: Open Ended responses, Reading Quizzes [Sesame, 123, Paragraph Chunk, etc], and projects within the unit.


Each unit contains one essential question that drives the unit. At the end of each unit, students will answer the question using the skills and concepts that were taught/covered during the unit's course. There will be independent practice and formative assessments along the way. At the very end of the unit, the summative will be to answer the essential and show mastery of the skills and concepts.