June 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is a reminder that a parent/guardian must pick up any medication his/her child has in the school Health Office, prior to the end of the school day on June 18, 2024, or they will be properly disposed of at the end of the day. Please contact me, Mrs. Nicole Fantasia, to coordinate a pick up time.

Planning for the 2024-2025 School Year

Medication orders must be renewed every school year. All medications, including over the counter medication (OTC), require a new completed medication form for the 2024-2025 school year. 

The Hillsborough District Medication Regulations, Asthma Treatment Plans, Diabetes forms, Epinephrine medication forms, Medication request forms and Seizure action plans, can be found on the district website under health services. The forms are the same for all of the Hillsborough Schools. 

In order to provide me with the opportunity to review the orders and discuss a student’s specific treatment plan, it is best for your child to have the medication/forms in the health office before the start of the school year. Delays in updated medication orders will create a delay in informing the teacher about students with food and health-related issues.   

I will be available a few days in August to receive medications and to discuss your child’s health issues with you prior to the first day of school. Once the dates are confirmed, an email will be sent.

If there is a significant change in your child's health over the summer., please be sure to reach out to me. 

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Have a safe and healthy summer vacation.


Nicole Fantasia, R.N.

Dear Sunnymead Families,

Medication Drop Off:

Please contact me, Nicole Fantasia, the school nurse, to arrange a date and time to drop off your student's medication and required medication forms. Per the Hillsborough  medication regulations, students are not permitted to carry medication in their backpacks unless prior approval has been made. Medication forms including asthma treatment plans,  epinephrine auto-injectors, seizure action plan and medication request form can be found on the HTPS.US website.

Hand hygiene

Good hand hygiene using soap and water or hand sanitizer if soap is not available is one of the most important steps you can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to those around you.  Please practice and model good hand washing at home. 

Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer Use CDC Fact Sheet

Fight Germs, Wash Your Hands

Hand Washing Demonstration