Frequently Asked Questions

Lil’ Raiders Preschool Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q: What are the hours of the program?

A: This year our program will run from 8:45-11:45

Q: Where do I park during arrival and dismissal?

A: Along the cul-d-sac outside of the classroom door.  Please wait at the gate for the teacher and students to greet you.

Q: What are the days that the program runs?

A: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on full school days from January - June.

Q: What is the cost of tuition and what does it cover?

A: The tuition is a $300 flat fee which covers a t-shirt, activities, and most materials needed for the program.

Q: When is the tuition payment due?

A: By mid-November for preschool starting in January. Payment can be made by cash or checks made out to HHS Preschool. Families can opt to pay in two installments -- please see the teacher if you would like to do this. 

Q: Is a snack provided?

A: A snack time is provided each day. Due to the diversity of cultural preferences and nutritional needs of our students, we ask that you supply a snack for your child that is healthy and that they will enjoy. More information about snack time will be provided in the fall before the program begins. 

Q: What is different about this program versus another preschool program?

A: While our program starts later in the year, it has many benefits.  Since we are a laboratory teaching preschool, our program benefits many groups: both high school students and preschoolers in the community.  High school students are learning to become teachers and therefore, trying out a variety of new methods and experiences with your child.  Additionally, our program is designed so that preschoolers and high schoolers are paired up one-to-one.  Your child has a high school buddy who is able to provide individualized attention to them, unlike a traditional class. 

Q: How many children are in the preschool class?  How many high schoolers?

A: The number of preschool children is dependent upon the number of high school students, not to exceed twenty children.  Sometimes, there are work readiness, community work, and independent study students helping in the class as well.

Q: What are the ages of the children in the preschool class?

A: Three, four, and five-year-olds.

Q: Why does my child need a media release?

A: We spend a great deal of time documenting the children’s work and experience in our program.  Most of the time, the photos are only used for our own purposes in the classroom, such as child portfolios and parent conferences, special event slideshows, and bulletin boards.  However, occasionally, photos may be used for media releases and news articles.

Q: How can I get involved in my child’s class?

A: We have a few opportunities to help out our class: mystery reader or by being a room parent.  Mystery readers sign up to read to the class one day and room parents assist with class events. 

Q: What will my child learn while in this program?

A: Our mission at Lil’ Raiders Preschool is to provide children with a safe and positive learning environment that promotes social-emotional growth.  We aim to introduce children to the school setting in a supportive and structured environment.  Academic content is taught through play centers, stories, and group activities.  We do not use worksheets or send home homework; however, our staff is always happy to help recommend developmental activities that you do at home as a family to help promote continued growth in your child.