Email Use

Email is a form of communication and it's use is VERY important to HTPS students and their teachers. Email etiquette is about respect and common sense. The same respect that you expect others to show to you. Email is NOT like texting!
It's about
addressing your concerns or submitting assignments in the proper way.


SUBJECT LINE Short, informative summary of what the body of the email contains. Do NOT leave empty or write a long paragraph. Be descriptive and make sure it’s easily searchable if you need to find the email again.

GREETING/OPENING - Always begin with a cordial greeting or salutation that suits your recipient. If students are emailing a friend or classmate about tonight’s homework, a casual greeting and the peer’s first name is fine. However, if emailing a teacher or principal, students should consider a more formal greeting and address the recipient as Dr., Mr., or Mrs. Students should know that jumping straight into a question or request without a standard greeting creates a demanding or somewhat rude tone, whether intentional or not.

BODY - After the greeting, cut to the chase. BE CLEAR. Explain why you are emailing—what is the intention or purpose of this email? What information or response are you seeking? Keep it direct and concise, as to remove unnecessary details or long-winded paragraphs. Be specific about which class, period you are in, dates, or assignment you are referring to in the email. If asking a question, ask politely, don’t demand.

CLOSING/SALUTATION - Finish with a cordial closing to thank your recipient in advance. Be sure to digitally “sign” your email by including your full name. Add the class subject, period you are in, or anything that will help the teacher know who you are. This is crucial. Oftentimes, students neglect to include their name at the end of an email. This makes it very difficult to provide a helpful response when teachers do not know who sent the original email.

WHAT GMAIL IS NOT - No-No's for Gmailing

  • NOT like texting - texting communication is usually short, casual, full of words like IDK, LOL, HEY, UR, IKR, BRUH, etc. Use proper complete sentences.

  • OVERDO accentuating - adding extra !!!!, ????, NOOOOO!, using ALL CAPS, etc. Try to be more professional and to the point.

  • ADDED Emojis - cute, dramatic and lots of emojis...this is not professional for communication with administration, unless you know teacher/friends well.

  • UNCHECKED, not careful, quick - lots of spelling mistakes, incomplete sentences and bad grammar. Make sure you use proper grammar, capitalizations and complete sentences and paragraphs.

  • NOT instantaneous - Texting is quick and real time back and forth. Unlike texting, you need to be patient when waiting for response in email.

  • NOT a chat room for students - HTPS Students know that their account and device is used only for school assignments and purpose. DO NOT use it for personal chatting and social networking.

EMAIL ETIQUETTE GUIDE - How to communicate successfully using email properly.

Email Etiquette Guide for Students.pdf


DISTURBING EMAIL THAT YOU KNOW IS FROM ANOTHER STUDENT....If you find you are getting email from someone you know, and it feels abusive and bullying, tell a trusted adult RIGHT AWAY, as well as your Principal or Vice Principal at your school. They may ask you to forward the email to them to take care of the situation RIGHT AWAY. They will also tell you to BLOCK the person.

DISTURBING EMAIL THAT YOU THINK IS FROM A STRANGER or SEEMS LIKE SPAM....If you find you are getting email that is not what you expected or from someone you do not know, there are steps you can take as a responsible digital citizen.

  1. Always reach out to a trusted adult if something concerns you or makes you feel uncomfortable. Tell your parents or teachers and especially your school's Vice Principals.

  2. At the bottom of each email there is a link to Do NOT click the link to ask for help. The Hub won't see that original email!

    • INSTEAD, If you receive an email and need assistance, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the email, choose FORWARD, then address the email to

    • Rename the Subject if you can to say "I think this is email abuse" or something similar.

    • In the body of the forwarded email, explain what you see and what you think is happening. The Hub will see that original email if it's FORWARDED. The Tech Hub will determine where it goes from there.

  3. Also, if you feel you know this is a SPAM or Stranger, you can BLOCK a sender, and Report SPAM or PHISHING in the same dropdown menu.

Always feel free to come to the Tech Hub for help.

DO NOW: PERSONALIZE EMAIL INBOX - Watch this video to learn how to personalize your inbox, HOW TO ADD A SIGNATURE AND THEMES and MORE! then send me an email with your new signature! Mention that you are going for Award Ribbon #2. Email me at Subject line should read "Your name - Award #2".

PARTS OF EMAIL INBOX- Click on the right arrow to see what the parts of Email Inbox do >>>

  • Toggle Menu Button: The toggle menu button looks like three lines next to the Gmail logo. (This is often called a “hamburger button” in websites.) This button will show and hide the Main Menu Panel and Compose button.

  • Compose button: This is how you create a new message. Clicking this will open the new message window.

  • Main Menu Panel: Along the left side of the screen are “folders”. The Inbox is the main folder that contains all the email messages sent to you. You will find other folders to help organize your email messages.

  • Labels: You will see labels in the Main Menu Panel and on your email messages. Labels help organize messages into separate categories.

  • Search Box: Use the search box to find messages. You can search by sender, subject, or anything written in the message. The down arrow on the right side of the search box opens the advanced search box. From the advanced search box, you can search by date and other message properties.

  • Side Panel: The side panel shows other applications that are integrated with Google Gmail. Calendar and Keep are useful applications that can help you save time.

  • Profile: The profile circle shows how you are logged in to Google. Click on the circle to see your account information. From the profile, you can update your profile picture and change your password.


  1. The Paperclip icon lets you upload a file from your Chromebook or computer.

  2. The Weblink icon can be used to insert a hyperlink to your message.

  3. Use the Google Drive icon to attach something from your Drive account. This is most likely the preferred method if you are on a Chromebook.

  4. A Picture can be attached to your message by clicking the picture attachment icon. This lets you attach a picture form your Google photo account.

PRINTING IN EMAIL - Save and print email and/or attachments

When someone sends you an attachment, such as a photo or document, you see a preview of the attachment in the email. There are several ways to print.

  1. Go to the full email: Click printer icon in the main email (top right). This prints entire email. Check the options before printing and review what you need to print.

  2. See a full-screen view and print: Click the attachment to open a full-screen view. Choose to download, or save to Google Drive.

  3. In full screen mode, download an image, or print: Point to the preview and click Download (down arrow) or click Print (printer icon).


Schedule sending email.pdf



DO NOW: CREATE A PERFECT EMAIL - Watch some of these videos below and browse through this webpage, especially the Email Etiquette Guide above. Now, create an email, add an attachment of any kind, make sure there is a signature, add your homeroom teacher as a CC, make sure the body explains that you are practicing a perfect email and going for Award Ribbon #3. Don't forget to follow all the rules! Send the email to Subject line should read "Your name - Award #3".

INTERESTING VIDEOS TO WATCH - How to Use Email and Email Etiquette

Tips on How to Email a Teacher - Powtoons

How to Send an Email -

HOW to write an email to your teacher - Tami Lenker

Beginning Lesson - How to Use Gmail EdTechCafe

GMAIL Tips & Tricks - Technology for Teachers and Students

BRAINPOP Digital Etiquette - BrainPop