Back to School letter

Welcome to 6th grade!

I hope you have had a great summer and are ready to get back to school and learn! Whether we are learning remotely or sharing a space together at school, I will strive to provide a safe learning environment for each student.

I am looking forward to a year of fun, learning, adventure and prepping you to be ready for Junior High. Here are just a few things to get us started for the year.

In sixth grade, the students change classes for the four core subjects, ELA (Mrs. Brown), Math (Mrs. Moore), Science (Mrs. Ostendorf), and Social Studies(Mrs. Moore). Our group of teachers provide learning experiences that challenge and encourage new learning. We help facilitate students' learning by giving them opportunities to be responsible, organized, and self-thinkers.

  • I use my website, google classroom, and email quite a bit throughout the year.

  • First day of school will be Wednesday August 26h - the first few days will be spent reviewing rules and procedures and then evaluating skills. We encourage students to practice reading and math facts prior to starting school, to brush up on those skills that have not been used for several months.

I respect any apprehensions you may have as we begin a new school year of unknowns due to COVID-19. I also appreciate your faith and trust in our school district, and me, as we face these new challenging times in education together. Enjoy the remainder of your summer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email or after August 18th you can reach me at school. I will see you soon!


Mrs. Moore

636-789-0030 ext. 206