Learning Syllabus

Hillsboro Intermediate School

Mrs. Mahue and Ms. Welker– 5th Grade


Teacher Contact Information

Mrs. Mahue – 5th Grade Teacher

Phone: (636) 789-0000 ext: 3265

Email: mahue_megan@hsdr3.org

*The best way to get in contact with me is by email.

Classroom Expectations

Before you walk in the classroom…

Before even entering the classroom, I expect that all students are:

1. Ready to learn with a positive attitude

2. On time

3. Well-rested

4. Nourished from a healthy breakfast

5. Prepared with materials/supplies/homework needed for the day

When you’re in the classroom…

During class time, I expect that all students:

1. Respect all classmates, Hillsboro Intermediate faculty, and any visitors that come to our class.

2. Follow directions of adults the first time they are given

3. Raise hands and wait for permission before speaking or leaving their seat

4. Remain focused and listen to peers and adults

5. Participate actively and give their all to the lessons

*During our first week of school, we will go over these expectations extensively so we are all on the same page and so there is no confusion.*

Classroom Management Plan

In our class, students will be recognized for their positive behavior as well as receive consequences for disruptive behavior.  I have also included a separate sheet that goes more in depth of the ticket system I will be using. Students who consistently demonstrate appropriate behavior will be positively rewarded with praise, positive notes sent home, small rewards, and other special privileges. On the other hand, students who demonstrate distracting, disruptive, or disobedient behavior will have consequences as follows:

1st Offense - Verbal Warning

2nd Offense – Teacher-Student Conference and loss of classroom ticket(s)

3rd Offense – Take recess and write in planner/send note home

4th Offense – Call parent and request conference

5th Offense – Send to office for principal conference

Homework Policy

Homework will be generally be assigned Monday through Thursday and should take students no more than one hour to complete. Some long-term projects may require time on Friday or weekends. Also, students will be required to read at least 20 minutes every day.

Why I assign homework:

I believe that learning happens everywhere, and in order to reinforce the day’s lessons and achieve mastery of our objectives, it will be crucial for students to spend time after school with their homework. I will not give homework just for the sake of giving homework – like our lessons, homework will be purposeful.

Late Work:

It is a student’s responsibility to turn in homework ON TIME. This year’s late work policy will be strictly enforced. When you are given an assignment, you need to make sure that you complete the assignment and turn it in on time. In the event that you are having a technical difficulty with opening an assignment contact the teacher immediately if you wait to contact me the morning it is due I will not be able to assist you before it's due and it will be considered late. 

If you fail to turn the late assignment within 1 calendar day, the assignment will no longer be accepted and you will earn a 0%. The reason for the strict policy is because no one benefits from late work. Learning builds on itself, so assignments that are given need to be done in the order that they are assigned. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of his or her assignments using the planner provided by the school or on the calendar provided through Google Classroom.


Understandably, there will be times when you will be absent from class.  If a student is absent, then students will need to get their missed work from me.  I will put together a packet of their missing work, but it is the student’s responsibility to get the work on the day that they return to school.  They will have the same number of days that they were absent to make up their missing work. Failure to do so will result in the work being late and, at that time, being subject to the late work policy, which is listed above.

At Home Expectations:

In order to reach the maximum learning potential, students will be expected to complete regular homework assignments and they should have a quiet place and designated time for this. I ask that parents regularly consult their student’s planner to understand what students are accomplishing and what needs to be turned in.  Students will be required to have a parent’s signature in their planner every day.  I also expect that each student is reading AT LEAST twenty minutes each night. Our class participates in various reading programs to earn free things (free Six Flags ticket, free meal at Pasta House, and a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.)  Reading is vital for success in all subjects, and I expect students and parents to take this very seriously.

* Education happens both at school and at home! Let’s work together to achieve success! *