Contact Information

As always, please feel free to reach out to me!


Classroom Phone Number: 636-789-0000 ext. 3264

Hillsboro Intermediate School Office: 636-789-0030

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your child's progress, or any concerns, as we move together through fifth grade.  I value communication with my students' parents and recognize the vital role that school-home communication plays in your child's education.

I will check my email throughout  the day, and will do my best to respond in a prompt manner .  Please understand that when I am teaching, it is difficult to take classroom phone calls.  However, if you leave me a message, I will return your call as soon as possible.

We are also utilizing ClassDojo this year, as another source of communication. I encourage you to feel comfortable reaching out to me on there as well, as some find it more user friendly.