parent support

Things Parents can do to help their student be successful:

1. You do not have to be good at math to help your student.

2. Read my classroom emails and talk to your student about upcoming assignments and assessments.

3. Ask to see your student's assignment each day. Be sure they show their work. Work is required to be shown on all assignments and assessments.

4. Check your student's grades on Infinite Campus Weekly.

5. If your child needs help with the assignment:

  • Ask them to review their class notes from the lesson

  • Tell them to watch the video notes for that section

  • Have them use skills trainer to improve on the concept

  • Ask them if they can talk it over with a classmate on the phone.

6. Help your child find time to complete math practice each night.

7. Remind them to start studying for a test several days before the test date.

8. Recommend that they keep all the concepts from a chapter current by redoing a few homework problems from past lessons each night.