Career Chats

2021-2022 Career Chat Calendar Coming Soon!

Did you miss a Career Prep Tuesday or Career Chat?

You are in the right place! Below are all the recordings. If you have any questions about what we covered in Connect Sessions, please email Leslie Lewandowski at

DCA Tuesdays

SkillsUSA - First Meeting - Sept 29th, 2020

DCA Tuesday: Soft skills & 7 Habits Intro - Sept 17th, 2020

DCA Orientation - Sept 10th, 2020 and Jan 27th, 2021

Career Chats

MS Physical Therapy - May 12th, 2021

MS Attorney Chat - May 5th, 2021

Psychiatrist- April 15th, 2021

Executive Editor- March 24th, 2021

Police Officer- March 23rd, 2021

Attorney/Law- March 22nd, 2021

3D Design Deeper Dive- March 17th, 2021

Respiratory Therapy- March 10th, 2021