Early Years Resources

Learning from Home

Resources curated by Hanover School Division's Professional Learning Centre


Added week of May 4th (click the arrow for the drop down menu)

New Seesaw math games section!

New videos by authors about the writing process (including prompts) added to the writing page.

New Indigenous language activities added.

New silly, fun plays for families to read together, written during and for this current period of isolation.

New drawing lessons added to the Arts page.

New tutorial/challenge to make a two person monster using things in your home.

New easy and fun family games/drama exercises by The Gottabees.


This is a collection of resources curated by the HSD EY Learning coach team: Lisa Coulter, Melissa Fry and Monica Martens. We will be adding to this site daily, so check back often.

We are here to support all teachers in HSD. Feel free to connect with us if you want to collaborate in your planning (for this year or next), if you have questions, or ideas to add to this site.

**A note from Monica: My goal is to add 2 new Seesaw Activities to each category every day. You will be able to access/see them in our "School and District Library" in Seesaw. You will need Seesaw for schools to be able to access this. Please contact me or your school learning coach if this is something you'd like to access.

Activities for the whole family to do together.

Activities that can be done outside.

Reading, writing and the arts.

Routines, weekly plans, math games, etc.

Who's going to care for our hearts, souls and the good of humanity through this crisis?

The artists, the poets, the dancers, and the actors ...

Resources curated by the Manitoba Dept. of Ed. for parents and caregivers.

Ready-made Interdisciplinary Learning

30 Weeks of learning ideas. This is created by a K teacher, but it would work for K-2.

Some would work for K-4.

Teaching and learning ideas for educators and families at home. Many of the ideas listed can be explored by children of all ages, preschool, elementary, middle and high school.

mRLC resources for learning from home.