Weekly Newsletter

This is where I will update you on what goes on each week in our class! :)

Week of 9/18-9/22


This week in reading we spent a majority of the week focusing on story elements in fiction books. This includes identifying characters, setting, events, problems, and solutions. We did this with read-aloud texts as well as in our own books.


In writing this week, we continued working on our small moment stories. We looked at how we can revise our writing in powerful ways. It was so cool to see everyone get the chance to read their writing to a partner and get intentional peer-feedback along with some awesome compliments. We also looked at our mentor text, Owl Moon, and found some craft moves that we could then go try in our own stories. We will continue this into next week!


Our focus for math this week centered around equations. We first took a couple of days to talk about doubles, and how we can use them to solve addition and subtraction problems. We then transitioned to equations and equation chains. I was so impressed with our class this week in math!


In phonics this week we continued our review of “phonics professor” terms from first grade. Next week we will be transitioning into learning about strategies around troublemaker words.

Week of 9/5-9/8


In reading this week we focused on strategies that we learned in first grade! The main goal of the week was to improve our reading fluency so we could read smoothly. This includes scooping up words into phrases so we don’t read like robots.


In writing this week, we started our first unit Small Moment Writing. We began by gathering up possible topics and documenting those in our Tiny Topic Notepads. From there, we started writing our small moment stories, trying to stretch out all of our details across more pages. It is so fun to see all the kiddos work so hard on their stories! We can’t wait to keep writing next week.


In math this week we started reviewing some of the things we learned in 1st grade. We focused on math mountains and remembering how to use them to help us solve addition and subtraction problems. We also took the Unit 1 pretest to help guide our learning.


Phonics this week consisted of a review of “phonics professor” terms that were taught in first grade! These terms include short and long vowel sounds, consonants, and capital letters. We then continued this work specifically diving into “silent e” and how that changes vowel sounds.

Week of 8/29-8/31


This week in reading we talked about our class book shopping guidelines as well as what is expected of our class during reading time. We got the chance to shop for books and explore all of the amazing titles in our library! We also talked about ways we can respond to our writing, including identifying the setting, predicting solutions to problems, and comparing characters using Venn diagrams!


In writing this week our main goal was to understand the major components of complete sentences. We talked about capital letters, subjects, verbs, and end-punctuation. We then worked on open-ended stories and prompts, focusing on making sure all of our sentences were complete AND made sense. Awesome work!


In math this week our class engaged in number talks! We talked about the numbers 8 and 9, and how we can use their proximity to 10 to help us add. For example, we learned to change 9+7 to 10+6, making it easier to add! This will help us a lot this year as we will be eventually adding two and three digit numbers.


This week in phonics we played different games and explored activities with words. We found snap words in sentences, made word snakes, and more!