Welcome to Mrs. VandeBunte's Class!


23-24 School Year Information

Hello! If you just found out that your child will be in my class for this school year, then welcome! I cannot wait to get started. My name is Daisy VandeBunte, and I am honored to get the opportunity to teach second grade at Alward! Over the course of the school year, I will add information to this website regularly as a way for you to stay in-the-loop of what is happening in our class. Before we get this year kicked off, please feel free to check the following sections of this website for any information you might need. Again, I am SO excited to be working with your child this year. I can't wait to SOAR with you all!!


Mrs. VandeBunte

Contact Information

Mrs. Daisy VandeBunte

Room: 803

Email: dvandebu@hpseagles.net