8 - Cap/Gown Orders
Jostens' will be sending an informational email on October 3 that will contain all the information you need to order Caps, Gowns, and other Graduation items from Jostens.
**If you do not receive this email, you MUST let Mrs. Jesky (mjesky@hpseagles.net) know so she can get you the information you need.**
All orders for the Senior Class must be placed by October 18, either online (preferred) or drop your order form with deposit in the Main Office to Mrs. Belka.
You may go to the following link to place your order online. Please only use this link and not something you find on Google!
Jostens Link - to order Cap & Gown ONLY
(Please be aware the image is generic & does not have the stripes on the sleeve. Your order will be correct for HHS)
Jostens Link to shop all items
Pay attention to quantities when you order announcements/thank you cards/invitations etc...
If you are paying with a check & dropping it in the office & your order total is less than $60, your payment will be for whatever your total is. If your order total is more than $60, your payment is at least $60 with the balance due at a later date. You are welcome to pay in full if you would like.
The minimum each grad must have, in order to walk, is a cap, gown, & tassel ("Cap & Gown Unit")
Those ordering just the Cap & Gown Unit, there is sales tax but NO SHIPPING & HANDLING fee.
**Remember! Do NOT order more than you can pay for. You are responsible to pay for EVERYTHING you order, even if you change your mind later! Be responsible & don't order $300 worth of items if you don't want to or can't pay for $300 worth of items!**
Jostens Link - Other helpful information
Graduation Information
Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, May 22, 2025
at HHS Fieldhouse
Hudsonville Information
If you have a financial hardship, please contact Mrs. Jenkins or Mrs. Jesky to discuss how we can help.
Ordering Information
If you are not able to order online, you can pick up an order form in the main office at school and mail in your order along with payment to our local Jostens office at the address below.
4670 E. Fulton
Suite 202
Ada, MI 49301
When you check out online, each item will have a description to the left on when and where that item will be delivered. Clothing items will be shipped to your home within a couple of weeks of ordering. Announcements & cap/gown will be delivered to school for pick up in the spring. Capfest is the event where you will pick up these items!
Please remember that any clothing items you order from Jostens will be generic for the Class of 2025, it will not say "Hudsonville" anywhere.
The only "Hudsonville" items will be ones organized by the school. You will receive emails from Mrs. Jesky about those and more information will be on another page of this website.