About the Class

๐Ÿ“ Course Objectives

In Reading AIS, instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of individual students, in other words, not everyone will get the same assignment. Reading materials are assigned at their instructional level. By the end of this class, you will be able to:

  • Identify the genre of a text by noticing many of the characteristics of the genre as they appear in the text.

  • Adapt or change the strategies you use as you read different kinds of texts or as you read for different purposes

  • Demonstrate the ability to think analytically about the text using academic language to describe its significant features.

  • Communicate the most important ideas and information explicitly stated in the text in a summary.

  • Make inferences about meaning based on the text and graphics and provide evidence.

  • State an opinion about aspects of the text (e.g. writerโ€™s craft) and justify it with evidence from the text.

  • Accurately and fluently read text at your instructional level: grouping words together into phrases, stressing words in meaningful ways, using rising and falling tones to reflect punctuation.

๐Ÿ“ Course Outline

  • Since AIS uses a differentiated instructional approach there is not a pre-planned weekly schedule of set lessons;
    instead instructional choices are made based on individual student's demonstrated progress or needs.

  • An AIS teacher has a variety of resources to choose from in order to meet the specific learning needs of individual students. Resources may include, but are not limited to the following:

    • F&P Leveled Literacy Intervention

    • Scholastic News and Action Magazines

    • Raz Kids

    • Newsela

    • Quizlet

๐Ÿ“ Grading Policy

  • AIS classes are meant to help students improve their skills in a particular area, such as decoding or comprehension; therefore students will receive grades on assignments to provide feedback on their progress. Students will receive a comment of (S) Satisfactory or (U) Unsatisfactory on their quarterly report cards.

  • Progress reports and report cards will include comments about a student's progress in AIS.

  • You will need to participate in order to receive credit.

  • All work must be turned in on time for credit.

  • Do your best work and ask for help when needed.