SeeSaw Students
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How do I use Sample student?
With Sample Student, teachers can demo activities, try out adding posts to journals, and more! Sample Student is automatically enabled in every new class created in Seesaw. Teachers with existing classes can use Sample Student in their classes, too!
Teachers and students can’t login as Sample Student, and family members are not able to select Sample Student when connecting to your class.
When Sample Student is enabled, you will see Sample Student at the top of your Class List, and at the top of your list when you are sharing an activity, selecting students to tag, or posting to a students journal.
How do I enable Sample Student?
Sample Student is automatically enabled in any new classes created in Seesaw. If you have an existing class, and would like to enable Sample Student:
Login to Seesaw as a teacher.
Tap the wrench icon (top right).
In the Students section, toggle on Enable Sample Student.
How do I disable Sample Student?
If you would like to remove Sample Student from your class:
Login to Seesaw as a teacher.
Tap the wrench icon (top right).
In the Students section, toggle off Enable Sample Student.
What can I do with Sample Student?
Sample Student gives you the opportunity to test out features in your class before sharing them with your students! You can:
Try out all the different Seesaw Creative Tools that are available to your students.
Test out activities so you can see what they will look like before sharing them to your entire class.
Try your hand at adding posts to Sample Student journal and more!
How do I invite students (Home Learning Codes)?
What are Home Learning Codes?
Home Learning Codes are an individualized QR code or Text Code that allow students to log into the Seesaw Class App at home while protecting students’ privacy. Students can post to their journal, respond to activities, and view announcements. Students cannot see each other’s work. No class setting changes are needed.
Every BK-2 teacher has been shared a Google spreadsheet from with a snapshot of their SeeSaw roster (as of 8/17). The spreadsheet includes links to PDFs with QR codes that students can use, as well as the 16 character text code.
Note that Home Learning Codes are different than Class Codes. Class Codes are for students to use when they are working in their classroom. Home Learning Codes are a secure way for students to log in from home. The Class Code should only be used in the physical classroom. To protect student privacy, the Class Code should not be sent home with students to log in from home. Students should log in from home using the Home Learning Code.
How do I reset a student's Home Learning Code?
Perhaps a parent / family member made a mistake when trying to register their student with SeeSaw, and they're no longer able to use the Home Learning Code you originally provided. It's possible to reset the code:
Go into the SeeSaw Class Settings by clicking the Wrench icon in the upper right
Select Manage Students
Click on the student's Name
Click on Home Learning Student Code
Click on Need to reset <student name>'s Home Learning Code?
Click Reset Code
Be sure to provide the new code to the parent / family.
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