Home learning

Winter Learning Journey

Click on the picture below to take you to the Uru Manuka Winter Learning Journey page. There are heaps of fun activities that you can complete and I would love to see these posted on your blog!

Even though lock down is over please feel free to do any of the work on this page.

School will reopen to everyone from Monday 18th May. If you are unwell please stay home and help us all stay well.

Morning Karakia

Join us at 9.30am daily for our school morning Karakia

Room 11 Google Hangout Link

Join me at 10.30am daily for our class Google Hangout

Code: Room11hps

Room 11 Blog

Check out what Mrs Mclachlan and your fellow classmates have been up to.

Room 11 individual blogs

How many positive, thoughtful, helpful blog comments can you make?

Term 2, Week 5 11th - 15th May

Weekly Mantra

What do you think this saying means? Any ideas why I thought this was something important that you should always remember?

Write a short blog posts that explains your answers. Don't forget to add the picture to your post.

Reading week 5

Choose one or more of these reading activities to complete

Make a copy and save it in your 'Reading' folder

Writing Week 5

Make a copy and save it in your 'writing' folder

Maths week 5

Make a copy and save it in your 'Maths' folder

Brain teaser Week 5

Grow your brain with these brain teasers!

Make a copy and save it in your 'Learning Stuff' folder

As requested, another quiz. Remember you can use Google to help you find the answers.

Make a copy and save it in your 'Learning Stuff' folder

Designer wardrobe

What do you imagine these famous stars would wear on their day off?

Make a copy and save it in your 'Learning Stuff' folder

Term 2, Week 4 4th - 8th May

Move work in correct folder: May 5, 2020 11:23 AM.webm


Click on the picture link to epic and enter the class code 'tag4827'. Happy reading!

Weekly Mantra

What do you think this saying means? Any ideas why I thought this was a good time to share this?

Write a short blog posts that explains your answers. Don't forget to add the picture to your post.

Explore this awesome website from one of the most famous museum in the world, The American Museum of Natural History in New York City.

Writing week 4

Maths Week 4

I've added a few extra tasks to this weeks maths slide to keep your maths lovers happy!

Brain teaser W4

As requested, more brain teasers! Enjoy growing your brain!

World Map Quiz

How well do you know the location of different counties around the world?

Move your body

Check out the latest videos I have added made by the very talented Whaea Megan!

Don't forget to finish off these tasks...


Activities to learn about this important day.

Choose from 8 fun challenges that you can do in your bubble

Nature art work

A fun art activity that you can create with things you find in your garden

Term 2, Week 3 27th April - 1st May

Wow, Week 3 of Term 2 already and for some of you this week will be much the same as it has been but for a couple of you, you will be returning to school. No matter where you are your learning with continue to be found on this page. We will also continue to have our daily karakia and class hangout.

Please note from Wednesday I will be changing our class hangout time to 10.30am

Audio on slides

Weekly Mantra

What do you think this saying means? Our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern talks about the importances of kindness especially recently. What are some examples of ways you show kindness?

Write a short blog posts that explains your answers. Don't forget to add the picture to your post.


ANZAC day was on Saturday. Learn more about this important day.

Give this 10 questions quiz ago. Can you write your own quiz and share it on your blog for others?

Reading week 3

Reading this week features sea creatures.

Writing week 3

Take your time with your writing. I would rather see one great quality piece of writing than finishing all the tasks but doing it quickly.

Maths Week 3

Term 2, Week 2 20th - 24th April

Weekly Mantra

Welcome to another week of distance learning. I miss you all heaps and I know that doing your work at home is challenging. It has been great to see all those people who have been trying really hard to complete their work.

What do you think this saying means? Any ideas why I thought this was a good time to share this?

Write a short blog posts that explains your answers. Don't forget to add the picture to your post.


Planning your day helps you keep track of your work and helps you to feel like you have achieved something.

Make a copy of this plan and fill it in daily. Make sure you share it with Mrs Mclachlan and put it in your 'learning stuff' folder.

When you make a copy don't forget...

Make a copy, rename it so that it does start with 'copy of' and save it in the correct folder.

SMRF it: Apr 20, 2020 9:52 AM.webm

Check out this video to make sure you are SMRFing your work correctly.

Here is a newspaper article about the rock that Laura was showing us on our Google Hangout last week. Click on the picture to read and find out more.

A - Z challenge

A reading and writing challenge. Choose a topic that you are interested in that is appropriate for school. Read the front page to find out more.

Please make a copy and save in your Reading folder.

Maths week 2

As promised more maths activities!

Please make a copy and save into your Maths folder.

Brain teasers W2

Check out these to help grow your brain. For those of you that found last weeks easy I have had a few more challenging problems for you!

Please save your work in your Learning stuff folder.

Move your body

Did you try any of these last week. Whaea Megan has made some cool fitness videos to get your heart pumping!

You don't need to make a copy of this slide!

Nature art work

I didn't see many of you doing this last week so I've added it again.

A fun art project that you can do with things you can find in your yard or around the house.

Please save your work in your Topic folder.

Term 2, Week 1 - 15th - 17th April

Make 200 challenge

Here are some hints and tips for those who would like to give the make 200 challenge a go. Man this is a tricky one! So do not stress if you don't get an answer!

How to add a slideshow.webm

How to add a slide show to your blog

Watch this video to find out how to include a slideshow as part of your blog post.

How to draw a story map.mov

Story Map Instructions

As part of your literacy work this week you are asked to create a story map by drawing on paper, or on a drawing or creating a model. Watch the video to get more information.

My Daily Planner

Planning your day helps you keep track of your work and helps you to feel like you have achieved something.

Make a copy of this plan and fill it in daily. Make sure you share it with Mrs Mclachlan and put it in your 'learning stuff' folder.

Weekly Mantra

What do you think this saying means? Any ideas why I thought this was a good time to share this?

Write a short blog posts that explains your answers. Don't forget to add the picture to your post.

Literacy Week 1, Term 2

Practice your reading and your knowledge of words!

Please save your work in your Reading folder.

Writing week 1, Term 2

Don't forget that making blog posts counts as writing.

Please save your work in your Writing folder.

Maths week 1

Don't forget you can also practice your maths on Mathletics!

Please save your work in your Maths folder.

Nature art work

A fun art project that you can do with things you can find in your yard or around the house.

Please save your work in your Topic folder.

Brain teasers 1

Check out these to help grow your brain. Remember they are meant to be a challenge!

Please save your work in your Learning stuff folder.

Move your body

Check out these daily fitness ideas.

You don't need to make a copy of this slide!

Board? Someone at home is telling you to do some school work? Want to help your learning? Super! You are welcome to finish any of the work you haven't finished this term. Above I have also included a variety of different activities you can do.

You can do a much or as little as you like. You don't have to do them all and I am not expecting you work all day. Keep checking as I will be adding more tasks soon.

Term 1, Week 9 24th - 27th March

Writing prompts
Independent task Week 9