Oat the Goat 

Kiriwai (Rūma 4), Te Māhuri Mānuka Hornby Primary School, Ōtautahi

Oat the goat.mov

Oat the Goat

A story from Bullying Free NZ, retold by Kiriwai Class

Creators: Willow Bailey-Newton, Indie Rose Brennan-Thomson, Jarielle Buenaventura, Nicole Canlas, Toby Cook, Zion Daly, Madinah Ehsani, Madilyn Evans, Jamie Everest-Eru, Lincoln Gilmour, Ben Iakopo Tafau, Khyran MacDonald, Maverick Oh-Stanley, Hemi Pickthall, Ezra Sheat, Aurora Smallridge, Robert Sparks, Ryan Taylor, Mateo Togiaso, Talosaga Unasa Latu

This story is from Bullying Free NZ  and is retold with their permission. It has many wonderful characters and a strong message that bullying behaviour doesn't pay and kindness is much more fun! Ākonga loved this story so much we decided to perform it ourselves. 

With such talented artists, we decided to create our own landscapes for the backgrounds, based on the different settings from the original animated video. Ākonga drew these in the Sketches School app.

We made costumes and recorded the scenes in front of a green screen.  During the recording, akonga gave themselves jobs to 'clapper' the scenes, to get actors ready and to manage the green screen background cloth (which needed regular adjusting)! 

The recorded footage and beautiful backgrounds were then collated in iMovie using the green screen function, ākonga also recorded their narration here. 

Digital Technologies Curriculum -Hangarau Matihiko

Digital Technologies outcomes met by this project:

Designing & Developing Digital  Outcomes 2: In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students make decisions about creating, manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing, and testing digital content for a specific purpose, given particular parameters, tools, and techniques. 

Computational Thinking Digital Outcome 1: In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students use their decomposition skills to break down simple non-computerised tasks into precise, unambiguous, step-by-step instructions (algorithmic thinking).