
On this page you'll find links and resources provided by our Careers Team

to help you to find employment.

Liverpool Hope University - My Careers Centre

Did you know that you can still use our Careers service for three years after you have finished your degree? Read more about how our Careers Team can help in the presentations below or log in here.

ITE C&E support plus agencies.pptx

Careers and Employability Support

Careers and Employability Support during the Covid-19 measures.pptx

Online Careers and Employability Support

Where can I find the right job for me?

Follow this link to find a list of jobs being advertised nationally and further afield, on our exclusive system, through our Careers Team: Jobs section.

Watch this video or read the information below for details of a new website, teaching-vacancies.service.gov.uk, aimed to help you find jobs all over the country:

Teaching Vacancies Online Film (3).mp4
190911 Teaching Vacancies - PRINT READY (2).pdf

Your job application

This short video presentation, put together by Chris Biggs on our Careers Team, gives you advice on how to go about putting your application together. Click on the link then log in using your My Hope credentials. To reset your password please contact itshelp@hope.ac.uk.

Apply for teaching jobs.

Once you've written your application our Careers Advisers can check it via e-guidance. To use this service please email your draft copy to careers@hope.ac.uk.

Visiting the school

As part of the application process you may be offered an opportunity to visit the school. Wherever possible you should accept this invitation. It will give you chance to learn more about the ethos of the school, meet potential colleagues and find out what the school's current priorities are.

If for any reason you can't attend you should contact the school and seek to arrange an alternative date, where possible. If you aren't offered the opportunity to visit it may be beneficial to ask if you can.

The interview

Click here for advice on brushing up your interview skills.

Our Careers Advisers can cover anything relating to careers in their remote appointment slots which you can book one online via My Careers Centre. If you would like to request an individual mock interview please mention this when booking your slot. The interview would be delivered via Zoom or Google hangouts - video/audio.

Preparing for an online interview

Get The Job (1) preparing for online interviews.pptx

Useful jobs resources

Liverpool Hope University Employability Hub

Scroll through our Employability Hub's blog pages to find out more.

Using recruitment agencies to help you find work

Through the link below you can find information from some of the agencies that we work closely with. Take time to view each one to decide which may be right for you. Joining a recruitment agency can be a great way to gain experience in a variety of schools, working with pupils of varying ages and abilities. It can help you to build lasting relationships with schools and help you decide on the type of school that you would like to work in long term.

Many of our graduates choose to sign up to more than one supply agency to increase the likelihood of gaining work and some decide to take on supply work after they have finished their ECT years as they enjoy the flexibility it brings. Read more about this in our blog above - Hope's Supply Teacher FAQs.

Emotional support

If things are getting tough and you feel you need someone to talk to, you can follow this link to the Education Support Partnership. They offer a 24 hour free and confidential helpline for people working in education.