Labour Market Information

What is labour market information?

Labour Market Information (LMI) is the name for data, statistics and figures relating to jobs and sectors of employment. This is used to give an overall picture of past and present levels of supply and demand (this can include salaries, working hours, job specific skills, etc). The labour market is the term used to describe the amount of people working and looking for work, and the amount of jobs.

*Please note Labour market Intelligence is the term used when Labour market information is analysed and interpretations are made E.G. future trends and predictions.  

If you would like to explore this in more detail, please contact our CEIAG OFFICER Mr Ramsay

How can labour market information (LMI) help me with career decisions?

LMI can help you understand:

Not everyone knows what they want to do when they finish school and even if you do, do you know how to get started or what training you need to get the job you want?

This is your guide to everything you need to know about getting ready for a job or training you would like to do.

We have highlighted eight different industries that you could think about for your future jobs. These are all popular and growing in Essex and are important for bringing money and new skills to the area. Each of these industries have different starting points no matter what your qualifications, skills or experience. There is something for everyone!

There is also information about the different types of learning and training courses available to you after finishing school or college. These are things like on-the-job training for beginners, how to combine work and study, and options to continue your education at a university or elsewhere.

Flick through this booklet to find your future!

Labour market information for our area




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About LMI For All

LMI for All is an online data portal, developed by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, which brings together existing national sources of high quality labour market information (LMI) that can inform people’s choices about their careers. 

LMI For All

(Be aware that this is national average data, but you can use it to help you get a bigger picture of the potential opportunities on offer)

More sources of LMI for you to explore