High School

Information for Parents:

Please see the following link for information on how to discuss COVID-19 with your child:


Message to Students and Families:

Thank you for all you are doing to stay engaged in learning. Together, we are all continuing to increase the use of technology in learning. Teachers are using Google Classroom to communicate with students as well as to assign work. Google Meets continues to be used to connect students at home to the classroom at school. School Tool allows families the opportunity to review their child's progress and see that work is being completed.

Academic Work and Expectations:

Students at home should monitor school email daily to use Google Meets to attend classes as scheduled. Google Classroom is used to assign and collect assignments. Teachers will to give individual feedback on activities.

Students need to stay engaged in classwork to earn course credit. Please email you teachers with if you have any difficulties in doing this.

Digital Resources:

Google Classroom is the mean means for teachers to communicate and share home learning activities with students. Teachers will be entering grades in School Tool so you can see if your student is submitting activities back to the teacher

Print Resources:

If a student lacks the ability to use Google Classroom students should communicate this to teachers by email. If they cannot email teachers, please call the high school at 607.749.1208.

Library and Other Resources for Families:

Mr. Zimmerman is available via email and many resources are available through our library.