Happy Holidays!

Wishing you a wonderful well deserved summer break Toucans! It was lovely to see most of you on Wednesday and thank you very much for the kind words and presents. I hope that you all make the most of the summer holidays and have the best time! See you in September, back in the Toucan Classroom!

Lots of love Mrs Nethersole x

Monday 13th July

Good morning,

Wow! Our final set of home learning tasks before the summer holidays. I can't believe we are at the end of the school year, and what a strange one it has been! I hope that you are all keeping well, I am still enjoying seeing all you videos, photos and work, please keep sending them to me. A big well done for your effort in the Sumdog competition last week, you did brilliantly!

This week we are going to have a bit of a transition week, thinking about our time in Toucan class and looking forward to our time in Octopus Class. Here are a few jobs that I would like you to do this week....

  • Write a fact file about yourself for Mrs Day, include interesting facts that Mrs Day might not know about you! Tell her what you enjoying doing at school and things that you might like to get better at next year.

  • Create a maths poster showing anything that you have learnt about in maths this year.

  • Make an octopus out of anything that you like, you could draw, paint or chalk an octopus or junk model it out of recycling you have at home.

  • Relax with some summer mindfulness colouring. ( I will send this over!)

  • Once you have your report (come and collect them from me and Mrs Day on Wednesday) read through the transition pages and talk to someone if you have any worries about next year. Don't forget that I am here, you can email me if there is anything that you are worried about!

There are some extra activity booklets that you can also access over the summer holidays if you wish. These are to help you with your English and Maths and I will send these over to you also.

I hope that you all have a lovely week and I hope that I see you all on Wednesday when you come and collect your reports! I have missed you all lots!

Take care,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 6th July

Hi Toucans,

Happy Monday! I can't believe that we are in July and that there are only a couple of weeks left until the summer holidays, time is flying by! Another great week of home learning, well done for continuing to do this at home, I know it has been a long time since we have been in school and I really am impressed with all of the commitment to your learning at home, well done!

Here is what I would like you to have a go at this week...

English- For English this week I would like you to write a short information text, 'All about Year 2'. You could include things that we have learnt about, the weekly routine, helping hands, superstar chair etc and explain all the things that you need to know about year 2. Imagine that you are writing a bit of a guide for a year 1 child who will be coming into Toucan Class in September.

Reading- Keep reading for at least 10 minutes every day, it is so important! I will also send you over some reading comprehension activities for you to complete if you wish.

Spelling- We have now finished the set spellings to get through this year. You now have the choice to revisit any previous spelling patterns that we have done or go back over the common exception words. You can find all of these in you Toucan diary. I have also sent you some activities to do on common exception words.

Maths- This week I would like everyone to take part in the sumdog national contest. Sumdog is brilliant for practising your mental maths skills and it's also lots of fun. No pressure, but last year's Toucans managed to win the summer contest, let's see if we can get the Toucans up there again!

Science- Science this week will be a bbc bitesize lesson on parts of a plant. Here is the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrh8wty There are a couple of videos to watch and then some activities.

A few final bits.....

This week would have also included our Sports Day. Perhaps you could try and have a mini sports day at home with you family. You could run races, do an obstacle course or practice some of those field activities that we do including throwing balls into buckets and awarding yourself points, seeing how many jumps you can do in 1 minute or seeing how far you can throw a ball etc. Have lots of fun!

I have also sent you over some summer fun activities that are linked to the year 2 objectives that we have covered this year if you wish to complete them too.

Don't forget that there are lots of lessons on bbc bitesize if you would like any more home learning ideas.

Have a lovely week Toucans, miss you all lots,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 29th June

Good Morning Toucans,

I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe! Thank you to all of you who have written me a letter last week, it was lovely to arrive at school with lots of letters to open and read from you all, it sounds like you are all having a lovely time. It was a sad day on Friday in school as it was Mrs Edney's last day, she was very overwhelmed with all the cards, photos, letters and gifts that she received from you all, thank you very much to everyone for making an effort to wish her well, it really did mean a lot.

Here is what I would like you to have a go at this week.....

English- As it is coming towards the end of the academic year I would like us to take a look back on all that we have done this year. I would like you to write about your favourite memories from Year 2. Here are a few of my favourite memories to remind you of some of the things we have done, some of it seems such a long time ago.

At the start of the year I enjoyed reading all of your riddles about yourself and trying to guess who you all were, I learnt lots about all of you doing this activity! Discover was our first theme and we learnt all about 'The Great Fire of London', we had the fire service in to talk to us, Mrs Edney dressed up as a fire- fighter and we even practiced putting out a 'fire' on the willow dome. I was so proud of all of you when you performed the Christmas play 'The Inn-Spectors', you were all amazing and so confident up on the stage, it was a brilliant play. However my absolute favourite memory was the afternoon we did papier mache, never has the Toucan classroom been such a mess and never have I had so much glue stuck in my hair, but it was very funny and I know that you all loved it.

Reading- This week I would like you to log into Bug Club and have a little read of some of the books on there or have it read to you. There are so many books on there for you to all access, please remember this wonderful resource that we have! Don't forget to make sure you spend 10 minutes each day reading or sharing stories!

Spellings- We have now finished the set spellings to get through this year. You now have the choice to revisit any previous spelling patterns that we have done or go back over the common exception words. You can find all of these in you Toucan diary. I will also send you some activities to do on common exception words.

Maths- This week we are going to revisit money. In year 2 we need to know....

  • recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p).

  • combine amounts to make a particular total.

  • find different combinations of coins that equal the same amount of money.

One of the best ways for you to learn about money is to make sure that you are using it in everyday situations. Perhaps set up a 'shop' at home and work out ways you could pay for items with particular coins, you could then see if you could make the same amount with different coins. Maybe you could be the shopkeeper and work out how much change your customers might need if they paid with a certain coin.

I will also email you over some activity sheets that you could do to practise money skills.

Science- This week I would like you to have a think about the different food that we get from plants. See how many different examples you can come up with. Can you sort them by the part of the plant that we eat? So for example we can eat the roots of a plant (carrots, potatoes), fruit of a plant (apples, strawberries), leaves of a plant (lettuce, cabbage), can you think of any parts of the plant that we eat?

Last but not least... Don't forget there are lots of extra lessons on bbcbitesize if you would like to do any more home learning. I have also sent you another code breaker activity if you would like to complete it.

Have a lovely week, I really do miss you all,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 22nd June

Morning Toucans,

Another week has passed, they seem to be going so quickly, I can't believe I am setting you another lot of work already! I hope that you are all well and keeping busy at home, it certainly looks like you all are by your photos!

English- In English this week I would like you to have a look at the bitesize lesson for sentence types. We have previously looked at sentence types separately but this bitesize lesson looks at them all together. There is a video lesson to watch and then some activities to do. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7b3trd

I have also allocated you an activity on Bug Club that is linked to sentence types, have a go!

Reading- This week I would like you to share a book with someone. It could be someone in your household that you have read to before, but you could try and be more creative and perhaps read to Grandparents over a video call or read to a neighbour over a fence. Please talk to the grown ups in your house about different people that you could share a story with beforehand, just to make sure that it is safe to do so! I would like to hear about all the different people you have read to this week. I am sure that hearing you read will cheer them up! (If anyone would like to email me a video of them reading I would love to hear it!)

Spelling- Here are your spellings to learn for this week, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, day, week, month, year

Only 8 this week.

Maths- This week in Maths we are going to revisit fractions. Although we have done fractions already this year, this was a long time ago. Fractions can be a bit tricky, but give it your best go!

In year 2 we need to know how to....

  • recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity.

  • write simple fractions for example, 1/2 of 6 = 3 and recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and 1/2.

I have sent you a home learning booklet to work through. You could also....

  • Join different colour lego together to show 1/3, 1/2, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4.

  • Fold and cut strips of paper/ string into fractions.

  • Using pasta, marbles, lego, beads etc(anything that you have at home!) find 1/2 of 6, 10, 12, 14, 20, find a 1/4 of 8, 12, 16, 20.

  • Try and find a way to show, using different objects, that a 1/2 is that same as 2/4.

Science- This week in Science I would like you to have a look at the life cycle of a plant. I have sent you a powerpoint that will explain more about the life cycle of a plant and then there is a cut and stick activity for you to do to put the life cycle of a sunflower in the correct order.

Create- Linked to our work on plants in science I would like you to see if you can make a picture by using different natural items in your garden or collected from any walks and visits that you might go on. You will need to see if you can find different colours to use to make your picture (I am sure you will be surprised at how many different coloured things you can find from outside!)

Last but not least..... Please don't forget about the Top secret homework that I set you last week, please email me if there are any problems.

I hope that you have a lovely week, missing you lots,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 15th June

Good Morning Toucans,

Thank you so much for all the work that you have shared with me this week, you are doing so well with your home learning Toucans and I am so proud of all of you! I am also pleased to see that you are all enjoying yourself even though the weather hasn't always been great.

English- As you have been writing brilliant letters for the last couple of weeks based on 'The Day the Crayons Quit' I would like you to use your skills to write to someone you haven't seen in a while. You could write to a family member, friend or even someone from school (If you want to write to me or any of your other teachers you can send the letters to the school address, Holy Trinity C of E (VC) Primary School, Beridge Road, Halstead, Essex, CO9 1JH , I promise that I will write back!). Tell them all the exciting things that you have been doing during your time at home and any interesting news that you have. I'm sure that they would love to hear from you and I know that everyone likes to recieve a letter through the post!

Reading- I am glad to hear that lots of you are still loving your reading and using your time in lockdown as a good excuse to read, I know that some of you have completed Harry Potter books that is quite an achievement- well done! This week along with your reading for 10 minutes every day I would like you to see if you can find some books by the same author (you can always look at online versions of books if you don't have them at home, just ask your grown ups to help you!). See if you can find any similarities between the books, you can usually tell that an author has a certain style.

Spellings- This week for spellings I would like you to practise writing the months of the year. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December (remember these must always have capital letters at the start!)

Maths- As we have had a couple of weeks of quite heavy going numbermaths work this week we are going to take a look at shape. (I know that lots of you enjoy learning about shape!) In year 2 for shape we need to know how to...

  • identify and describe properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

  • identify 2D shapes on the surface of 3D shapes (for example, a circle on a cylinder and a triangle on a pyramid.)

  • compare and sort common 2D shapes and 3D shapes and everyday objects.

Have a go at some of these activities....

  • Hunt around you house for 2D and 3D shapes, see if you can name them and their properties. Remember in 2D shapes we look for sides and vertex/ vertices (corners) and for 3D shapes we look for vertex/ vertices, faces and edges.

  • Collect a set of 3D shapes from things around your house (cylinders- pringle/smartie tubes, cuboids- tissue boxes, board game boxes, spheres- footballs etc.) sort them by their properties for example shapes that have more than 4 faces, shapes that have less than four faces.

  • Look at your set of 3D shapes, what 2D shapes can you see on the faces of them? You could even have a go at painting some of the faces and printing them onto paper to show each face.

  • Using lolly sticks, pipe cleaners or straws, see how many different 2D shapes you can name and make. Are there any 2D shapes that you can't make?

  • Look for vertical symmetry on 2D shapes- practise looking for this by folding shapes in half and seeing if they are exactly the same on each side. You could even make a symmetry picture that has a vertical line of symmetry.

Create- This week I have set you a '2 do ' on purple mash, hopefully it will come up when you log in. It is called '2paint a picture'. I would like you to use this to see what colourful masterpieces you can create. You can choose which painting style you would like to try out. You can try out as many as you wish, you could even use the lines one for a bit of Mondrian style painting. Have fun!

Science- This week at school we would have been planting seeds and bulbs. If you have any seeds or bulbs at home (I know that lots of you have already been busy planting and growing things.) carefully observe them, taking time to look for similarities and differences. Plant some in little pots and think about what they need in order to grow. You could keep a little diary of the changes that you notice each week.

Finally.... I hope that you have all read you emails for the 'Top secret homework' I have set you! Please email me if there are any problems!

Remember there are more activities for you to do on the bbc bitesize website if you wish to access more home learning activities.

Take care Toucans, miss you lots, but I know that you are having lots of fun at home with your families,

Mrs Nethersole

wb 15.06.20

Miss Todd will be using some videos at school this week in her virtual assemblies.

We are sharing them on the school wesbite for the children who are not in school this week.

Monday 8th June

Hi Toucans,

I hope that you have had another lovely week. I have enjoyed seeing lots of photos and videos of completed work this week and other things that you have been up to, thank you very much for sharing with me. Last week I had fun celebrating my birthday, I am very lucky that my sister is a baker and she made some delicious cakes and treats for us to enjoy with afternoon tea! I know some of you have had 'lockdown' birthdays and I have loved seeing photos of you celebrating in different ways! Last week Mrs Edney and I were back in the Toucan classroom for a couple of days with Mrs King and some of the year ones, it feels very quiet without all of you guys there and we missed you lots! We really hope that we can see you all again soon.

So here is what I would like you to have a go at this week...

English- Last week you wrote some brilliant letters as the crayons from 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. This week I would like you to continue this by writing a letter back as Duncan to convince the crayon of your choice to come back. How will you make them happy again? Can you persuade them that being your crayon is a good thing?

Reading- I hope that you are all still managing to read for 10 minutes each day. There are another couple of reading things for you to look at this week....

Last week The Essex Library service launched their Summer Reading Challenge which is all going to be online this year. You can sign up and register here http://www.sillysquad.org.uk/ . The Library Summer Reading Challenge is always a great thing to take part in and now everyone can still take part in this online version. Have a go!

Also this week puffin are running a 'Festival of Big Dreams' which celebrates Puffin's 80th birthday and the power of imagination. Have a watch of some of the videos from well known authors. (Parents - You can watch it through facebook or youtube, find out information here https://www.penguin.co.uk/puffin/dream-big.html )

Spelling- This week we are looking at homophones or near homophones. A homophone is where two or more words sound the same but have different meanings and can be spelt differently. I have sent you a couple of activities on this to work through. There are lots of homophones but here are ten that you can practise for your spellings this week; there, their, they’re, too, to, two, which, witch, know, no

Maths- For Maths this week we are going to revisit multiplication and division, we have already done lots on multiplication and division this year and you were fab at this! I will send you over a booklet to work through looking at all the different objectives that we need to cover in year 2. In year 2 we need to.....

  • recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd and even numbers.

  • calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division within the multiplication tables and write them using the multiplication, division and equals signs.

  • show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and division of one number by another cannot.

  • solve problems involving multiplication and division, using materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in context.

Create- This week I would like you to find out about one of the following artists; Paul Klee, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko or Robert Delaunay. Each of them painted and created art in different ways but all used colour to help them to create their pictures. See what you can find out about them and see if you can recreate one of their pictures.

Science- This half term in Science our topic would have been Plants. I have seen that lots of you have been spending lots of time in your gardens and growing plants at home recently so I'm sure that you will already know lots about this. This week I would like you to go outside and have a look at the different types of trees and flowers that you can find. See how many you the name of and maybe see if you can find out the names of some you don't know. Look for similarities and differences between them, are there any growing in unusual places?

I hope that you all a have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing what you all get up to, miss you all very much,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 1st June

Good morning Toucans!

I hope that you had a great half term and enjoyed the fabulous weather! I have been spending lots of time in the garden playing with my two boys, we have been on lots of walks and even did some crabbing. We also made shortbread this week and have been playing lots of lego (which is definitely the toy of choice in my house at the moment!). I would love to know about what you have been up to over the last week.

Here is the work that I would like you to have a go at this week...

English- Linked to our Colour work in Create we are going to take a look at the book ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt (If you search 'The Day The Crayons Quit' on youtube you will be able to find videos of people reading it, ask and adult to help you with this and remember all the tabecat e safety rules.). In this book a pack of crayons go on strike, the crayons write letters to their owner Duncan giving all sorts of reasons about why they are unhappy. This week I would like you to write a letter as one of the coloured crayons giving reasons about why you are unhappy in your job as his crayon. These can be as crazy as you would like!

Don’t forget to include all your brilliant writing skills that I would expect to see everytime you are writing, including capital letters to start sentences and for proper nouns, full stops or appropriate punctuation to end your sentences and finger spaces. This is also a really good piece to add in lots of adjectives to describe the nouns you are using.

Reading- I would like you to read or share a book with someone for at least 10 minutes every day. It can be anything, a story book, newspaper, comic, information book or anything else you can think of! Don't forget you all have an online book bag of books on Bug Club too!

Spelling- Another set of common exception words to learn this week- any, many, clothes, water, busy, kind, because, who, fast, improve. Don’t forget that you all have the complete list in your Toucan books if you want to practice some others.

Maths- This week we are going to revisit addition and subtraction. We have already covered all of these objectives this year, but it is always good to recap and revisit these.

In year 2 we need to know how to…

  • solve problems with addition and subtraction.

  • Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently, and derive and use related facts up to 100.

  • Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations and mentally including: a two digit number and ones, a two digit number and tens, two two digit numbers, adding three one digit numbers.

  • Show that addition of two numbers can be done in any order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from another cannot.

  • Recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems.

I have emailed over some worksheets for you to do this week. There is also a calculation policy on the school website if any of your parents would like to know exactly how we teach addition and subtraction at Holy Trinity (parents please email me if you would like any help with this!).

Create- Carrying on from our work last time on Piet Mondrian I would like you to make a collage in the style of one of his paintings. You can use anything that you wish, think about a way that you could create lines; string, straws or tape might be a useful thing to use and then how to fill in blocks of colour. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Science- This week we are going to take a look at food chains. A food chain shows how each animal gets their food and what is eaten by what. Take a look at the powerpoint I have emailed to you to help you to understand this further. I have sent you some cards over in my email to sort into food chains, see how many different ones you can make. You could also have a go at drawing out your own food chain, see if you can put the arrows in to show what is being eaten.

Last but not least..... I have been hearing from lots of you that you have been enjoying the code cracking/ mystery type pieces of work where you have to complete the challenges and work out the clues. I have included a GPS one of those in my weekly emails this week for you to complete if you wish. Also remember BBC Bitesize are also doing daily lessons if you fancy doing a little bit more home learning!

As always have a brilliant week, I miss you all lots but hopefully we will all be back together soon. Take lots of care,

Mrs Nethersole

25.05.20 - The May Half Term Quiz

For half term week we have another quiz for you and your families. There will be two rounds posted each day this week at 10am - the answers follow the next day at 9am.

Full details and all the questions (plus the complete Easter Quiz if you didn't get around to that at the time) are on www.holytrinityhalstead.com/quiz and linked to via www.tabecat.com

We hope you enjoy the quiz, and perhaps find it interesting researching some of the answers you didn't know.

Stay safe,

Mr. Handy

Monday 18th May 2020

Hi Toucans,

Some great home learning this week, well done! Thank you once again for all the emails that you are sending me, I love seeing all the work that you are sending me, but I also like seeing all the other photos of things that you are also doing. There has been lots of baking, growing plants, playing in paddling pools and even a few riding of bikes without stabilisers! I am so pleased that you are all making the most of time at home with your families and enjoying your time at home.

English- This week we would like you to learn about compound nouns. A compound noun contains two or more words that combine together to make a single noun like 'keyboard', 'greenhouse' and 'newspaper'. We would like you to see how many different compound nouns you can find. You could write and draw pictures of the single words and then what they are once they are combined.

Reading- Once again please try and spend at least 10 minutes everyday reading. Don't forget bug club is there for your reading scheme books. You can also access different colour band books on this website as well https://collins.co.uk/pages/big-cat-ebooks , which is free for parents at the moment and follow the same book banding that we use in school ( we have many of their books in school so you may recognise some of them!) if you fancy something different.

Spellings-This week we are looking at words ending in -tion. Here are a few for you to practice (there are many more)- station, fiction, motion, nation, addition, subtraction, option, introduction, potion, action

Maths- Great place value work last week! We are going to continue looking at number and place value again this week, but thinking about the following objectives this week. In year 2 we need to know how to....

  • count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from 0 and in tens from any number, forward and backwards.

  • identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations, including a number line.

  • use place value and number facts to solve problems.

There are lots of activities and games that you can do to help you to practise these.

You could count round in a circle taking it in turns to count forwards and backwards going up in 2, 3, 5 and 10, we also do lots of chanting counting together in class. Have a go at writing the sequences of numbers out in different ways. You could also ask your Mum or Dad to write out some of the sequence and then you could fill in the missing numbers. (I know that you are all getting really good at counting forwards, don't forget to have a go at counting backwards too!)

You could have a go at estimating an amount of something and then check by counting to see how close you were, you can do this simply at home with pasta, rice (not too big of a handful!), beads etc.

I will also send you over some pieces of work that will cover some of the other elements of these objectives.

Create- This week we are going to start looking at a different artist, we are going to look at the work of Piet Mondrian. I will send you a powerpoint that you can look at to find out some information about him. He liked to use lines and blocks of colour to create his art work and mainly worked with the primary colours. Have a look at the painting below and using a ruler see if you can recreate his painting by drawing straight lines across the page and then colour some of the squares and rectangle in, using only 2 or 3 colours.

Science- This week we are going to move onto looking at world habitats. I would like you to choose one habitat this week and find out about it, find out what the conditions are for living there (is it hot, cold, dry?), what animals and plants live in your habitat and why you think they choose to live there. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zx882hv this is a really good starting point and has short video clips on different habitats. You could use the internet (with some help of an adult) or books to help you find out this information. You can present the information any way you want to.

Last but not least... Don't forget there are extra home learning activities available on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons if you wish for some extra things to do. The tabecat page has lots of activities for you to do, I know lots of you are still logging onto sumdog and bugclub weekly.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Make sure your make the most of your time at home and continue to be kind to the people in your home. Keep sending me emails and photos of what you are doing, I really do like seeing what you are all up to.

Miss you all lots,

Mrs Nethersole

Composition with Yellow, Blue and Red 1937-42 Piet Mondrian 1872-1944 Purchased 1964 http://www.tate.org.uk/art/work/T00648

Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning Toucans,

Wow another week has passed! I hope that you have enjoyed the bank holiday weekend and any VE Day celebrations you may of have. Thankfully the nice weather also seems to be back , at least for a while anyway, so I hope that you are all managing to spend some time enjoying the outdoors! Thank you for your weekly emails, it is lovely to see what you are getting up to and the work that you are doing at home, well done guys!

Here is your work for this week....

English- This week in English we are looking at proper nouns. We have done lots of work in class on nouns, but this week we look at proper nouns which name specific people/ characters or places/ landmarks etc. (Mrs Nethersole, Donald Duck, Holy Trinity Primary School, Stonehenge). Months of the year, days of the week and some events, festivals, brand names and companies are also considered to be proper nouns. It is important that all proper nouns start with a capital letter.

I would like you to write an a-z of proper nouns, making sure that they start with a capital letter. You could challenge yourself by trying to make it specific so place names or people or you can just do an a-z of different proper nouns.

I have also emailed over a proper nouns challenge sheet for you to have a go at.

Reading- Please make sure you are reading or sharing a story with an adult for at least 10 minutes a day. It doesn't matter what you are reading, it could be a book, magazine, annual or comic, but I would just like you to be reading every day! I have also emailed over to you a reading comprehension activity if you would like to have a go at it.

Spelling- This week for spellings we are looking at adding the suffixes -ment, -ness and -full to a word. Here are the list of spellings for this week, but remember there are lots of other words that you can also add these suffixes to- enjoyment, sadness, careful, playful, kindness, argument, merriment, happiness, plentiful, cheerful.

Maths- This week and next week we are going to revisit place value. We have already covered all of the place value objectives at different points of the year so your child should have an idea about all of these. This week we are going to look at the following year 2 objectives to......

- recognise the place value of each digit in a two- digit number.

-compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <,> and = signs

-read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals and in words.

There are lots of different games and activities that we play in year 2 to practice place value. I have emailed you a couple of place value activities and booklets for you to have a go at. You could also have a go at...

  • Bingo- You can play bingo either with normal 1 or 2 digit numbers with the 'caller' saying a number to cross off. Or we play place value bingo where the 'caller' gives a place value instruction like 'cross out your number if it has a 2 in the tens place.' or 'cross out your number if it has a 3 in the ones place.'

  • Number sort- Ask an adult to write down 5 different 2 digit numbers on cut out pieces of paper, put them in the right order from smallest to largest. Can you then think of 5 other numbers that could go in between the numbers your adult has written down for you?

  • Number writing- Ask an adult to give you a number between 0-100, can you write it in digits and words? You could chalk them, draw them with different colour felt tips etc.

  • Number hunt- Look through comics, magazines and newspapers- cut out the numbers that you find- can you put them in order from smallest to largest? Can you compare them using <, > or = symbols?

Create- This week I would like you to carry on with your work about Kandinsky. Kandinsky often listened to music when he painted and tried to draw what he heard and felt. This doesn't have to be an image or object but could be shown by using shapes, lines and colours. I would like you to listen to some music and draw/ paint/ chalk how you feel and what the music makes you imagine. Try listening to different types of music and see if this makes you feel differently or want to draw different things and use different colours. There is no right or wrong with what you draw, just whatever comes into your mind.

Science- Carrying on your work from on habitats from last week, I would like us to think about microhabitats this week. A microhabitat is a smaller habitat that you might find inside a larger habitat. For example a woodland is a habitat but inside the woodland there will be many microhabitats; under stones, inside fallen logs, in and on the soil etc. In a microhabitat you will usually find minibeasts such as ants, woodlice, beetles etc. I would like you to have a look for microhabitats in your garden or on your daily walk. Once you have found two different microhabitats compare what minibeasts live there, thinking about why they have chosen it as their place to live. You could even keep a tally of all the different minibeasts that you find and turn this information into a pictogram using 2count on purple mash if you wanted.

Last but not least- Don't forget all the resources that you can use on the tabecat page! There are daily lessons on bbc bitesize if you want some extra home learning https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons. Try and stay active, check out Mr Wiskin's PE page on the tabecat website if you want some ideas of activities that you can do at home.

I have emailed you some resources to help you with your home learning this week, once again please don't think you have to do them all, just use what you wish!

We are trying to make sure that we have weekly contact with everyone so please try to send me a weekly email, we want to make sure that all our families are keeping safe and well. I also really like hearing from you and seeing all the wonderful things that you are up to!

Have a lovely week, missing you all lots,

Mrs Nethersole


I hope you enjoy 'There's a snake in my school' by David Walliams.

Monday 4th May 2020

Hi Toucans!

I hope that you are all well and have had a lovely weekend. I have had lots of emails from you all this week with brilliant things that you are doing at home, thank you! I love looking at all the photos, reading all the work and watching your videos, it looks like you are all enjoying your time at home and staying very busy.

Here is what I would like you to have a go at this week....

English- This week for English we would like you to have a think about adverbs. The job of an adverb is to tell you more about a verb, an adverb tells you where, when, why or how something is done.

For example, He ate slowly. Jessica shouted loudly.

This week we would like you to find some (or draw some) pictures of yourself doing something. Write a sentence that uses a verb to tell us what you were doing, then write some adverbs to describe how you did it, see my example below. Here are some verbs that you could describe using adverbs- sung, danced, played, cycled, ran (there are many many more you could choose!)

I have emailed you all a powerpoint in case you would like a little more help to understand adverbs.

Spellings- Your spellings this week would have been a selection of Year 2 Common Exception words- even, break, steak, great, move, prove, improve, sure, sugar, eye have a try at practising these at home. Don't forget you have the whole list of year 2 common exception words in your Toucan books if you would like to practise any others.

Reading- Sorry for the delay on my story, it should now be on this page, I hope that you enjoy it!

Spend at least 10 minutes a day sharing stories or reading please, it is really important for you to keep reading! Don't forget all the books on Bug Club and remember these can be read to you as well as you reading them. If you are reading on your own perhaps spend a couple of minutes after telling an adult what you have read and ask them any words that you are unsure of the meaning.

Maths- This week I would like you to take a look at measuring capacity. In year 2 we need to know how to...

  • choose and use standard units (ml and l) to measure the capacity of a container to the the nearest unit.

  • compare and order capacity and record the results using <(less than), > (greater than) and =(equal to)

Take 5 containers from your kitchen cupboards and estimate which will hold the most liquid and what will hold the least, use a measuring jug to measure how much each of these containers hold and then put them in order using the greater than, less than and equals symbols.

If you have some different colour food colouring at home add this to some water in different containers, you could name these liquid different names like slug slime, dragon's breath etc. Make a 'potion' by measuring different amounts of the liquids into a jug/glass. Can you write down the measurements that you have used? (A good activity for a sunny day outside!) Try using the greater than, less than and equals symbols to compare the measurements of the liquids that you used.

I have also emailed over some worksheets that are looking at measuring capacity, have a go at these if you wish.

Create- This week we are going to take a look at a different painting by Kandinsky.

Take a look at his painting below. Kandinsky has used lots of straight and curved lines along with shapes in lots of different colours to create his painting. See if you can have a go at recreating this piece of artwork. You could start off by placing cut out shapes onto a piece of paper then adding different lines on top or you could colour shapes and lines. It is up to you how you do it using the resources and materials that you have got available at home.

Science- This half term in Science we would have been covering 'Living Things and their Habitats'. Have a look in your garden or on your daily walk for habitats in your local area. Think about why the animals and plants chose to live there, what makes it suitable for them. You could even draw a map of the area you have looked at and label all the different habitats that you find.

Finally..... don't forget all of the online resources that are available for you to use on the tabecat page of the website. If you would like any additional work you can also try some of the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons. Just click on the year 2 link and there are new lessons each weekday.

Have a great week, miss you all lots,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 27th April 2020

Good Morning Toucans!

What another fabulous week of learning you had last week, thank you to all of you who shared pictures, videos and work with me. It is lovely to see you doing some of the work that I have set but also really nice to see lots of photos of you enjoying yourselves. The colour poems have been fantastic and all the colourful pictures really cheered me up. There were so many different versions of colourful pictures with paint, paper, chalk and many other materials being used, well done Toucans' a great start to our create work!

Here's what I would like you to do this week....

English- I have been talking to Miss Warren and we have been discussing some GPS activities that you could do at home that she would of been covering in your Monday GPS lessons with her. This week we would like you to have a look at using apostrophes for possession, to show that something belongs to someone. When we say something belongs to someone, we add an ‘s’ to the end of the word, however we also do this when the word becomes plural. So we add an apostrophe before the ‘s’ to show our reader we mean ‘belongs to’.

Write a list of items and who they belong to in your house, making sure that you use an apostrophe and an s ('s) to show who it belongs to. If you have some post it notes at home you could even label the item with the persons name with who it belongs to (don't forget to show possession using your apostrophe!) If you want to do even more you could try and write descriptive sentences about the items.

Challenge! See if you can sort the following sentences into apostrophe for possession and apostrophe to show missing letters

  1. Jim's lunch was tasty.

  2. I don't want to do that today.

  3. The weather isn't going to be sunny tomorrow.

  4. I played at Rachel's house.

  5. I can't remember what I did yesterday.

  6. Mrs Nethersole's chocolate Easter egg was delicious.

Reading- I would like you to spend at least 10 minutes each day reading, whether this is reading that you do independently or a story that you are being read to by an adult. Don't forget Bug Club has lots of stories on there that you can read or that can be read to you. There is also Oxford Owl https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ which has a huge selection of online books that you can look at too.

There were lots of 60 second reads in your home learning packs, have a little go at some of these, if you haven't already. If parents would like any more of these or other comprehension activities there are lots available to download and print off from Twinkl. If anyone would like any help with this or further ideas about reading please let me know!

I have also recorded a little story for you that should be available on the Toucan page very soon, I hope that you like it!

Spellings- A tricky set this week, have a go- the sound /z/ made with an s- television, treasure, usual, division, vision, pleasure, measure, occasion, usually, leisure

Maths- This week we would have been looking at measuring mass (weight). In year 2 we need to know how to.....

  • choose and use standard units (g and kg) to measure mass to the the nearest unit.

  • compare and order mass and record the results using <(less than), > (greater than) and =(equal to)

I know that lots of you have been baking at home, practice your maths skills by looking at how many grams (g) or kilograms (kg) of the ingredients you need. Look at the ingredients in your recipe and compare them using the greater than, less than or equal to symbols, >, <, =(remember the crocodile mouth likes to eat the bigger number!).

Find 10 items around your house/ garden and decide whether you should measure them in grams or kilograms (grams for smaller items, kilograms for larger items), sort them into two groups.

Look in your kitchen cupboards and see if you can find some packaging with the mass of the product on, compare these and order them from lightest to heaviest.

Don't forget you can also access https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ for more maths home learning. This week is looking at measuring length.

Topic- We are going to start our 'Colour' work looking at the artist Kandinsky. I would like you to see if you can find out any facts about him and his artwork. Please remember your e-safety when using the internet to search, you could always ask a grown up to help you with this.

Below is Kandinsky's concentric circle picture. I would like you to see if you can recreate it using any materials that you have at home. If you have paints at home have a go at mixing some colours and see what happens.

And a final few bits..... don't forget all the online resources we have available on the tabecat page, I know Mr Handy is regularly updating it and adding new items to it. Mr Wiskin is adding new PE lessons to his page on the tabecat page of the website, have a try. BBC bitesize are doing daily lessons for English, Maths and some foundation subjects, take a look if you would like a bit more home learning.

I hope you all have a fantastic week, please keep in touch, we love hearing from you! Miss you all lots,

Mrs Nethersole

Monday 20th April 2020

Hello Toucans!

Welcome back to what is now the summer term. I hope that you had a brilliant Easter and enjoyed the sunshine and chocolate! The summer term brings with it our new whole school topic of 'CREATE'. In Toucan class we don't have a question to look at this term but rather the idea of 'Colour'. We will be exploring lots to do with colour through the focus of art, music and drama.

Here is what I would like you to have a go at this week....

English- I would like you to take a look at the poem 'What is Pink?' by Christina Rosetti (below). Read through it and highlight any of the vocabulary that you are unsure of. Talk to an adult about the words that you don't know the meaning of and see if you can find out what they mean. Have a go at reciting the poem to family and friends you could even put actions with some of the lines. If you want to you could have a go at re-writing the poem, or some of the poem to include your favourite things linked to the colours, or a whole poem linked to your favourite colour. I would love you to share these with me if you do!

Spelling- This week's spelling focus is on words with contractions. A contraction is where two words have been put together to make a new word, often some letters are missed out of the new word and in the missing letters' place is an apostrophe. Have a practice of spelling the following words; can’t, didn’t, hasn’t, couldn’t, shouldn’t, wasn’t, it’s, don’t, won’t, I’m.

Maths- This week in Maths we would have been learning all about time. In year 2 we need to know....

  • the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.

  • how to compare and sequence intervals of time.

  • how to tell and write the time to five minutes (so 12.05, 12.10 etc), including quarter past/ to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.

I would like you to ask your family to help you to practice telling the time on analogue clocks around your house. Discuss with them how many minutes are in an hour and the number of hours in a day. You can talk about how long an activity takes you to complete and compare this to how long other activities take you to do. I have set some '2do's' for you on purple mash that practice telling the time. There are also some printable clock worksheets on purple mash that an adult could tell you a time and you could add the hands to the clock onto them (purple mash- home/mathematics/time/time printables/time-clocks).

Don't forget you can also access https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ for more maths home learning. This week is still revising some of the work on fractions that we have done in class already.

Create- This week I would like you to explore 'colour' in any way that you would like. You can use any materials or resources that you have at home and I would like you to make me something colouful! Please email me any photos that you have taken of this.

Don't forget to keep reading and sharing books, I am enjoying hearing about what you are reading and your recommendations.

Thank you again for all the emails, photos and videos that you have been sending me and the other Toucan teachers. I know that everyone loves looking at them and keeping up to date with what you are doing, they really do make us all smile.

Have a great week, miss you all lots,

Mrs Nethersole

P.S. I hope that you enjoy Miss Warren's story this week!

13.04.20 - The Class websites have not been updated this week as we are focusing on the Easter Holiday Quiz, but all the resources on the Tabecat page remain available at all times. There are ongoing offline resources available on lots of the Class websites, and we've also added some general resources to the Signposting page www.holytrinityhalstead.com/signposting


Monday 6th April 2020

Good Morning Toucans!

I hope that you have had a great week and have managed to spend lots of time outside enjoying the sunshine.

A great week of home learning guys, well done! Thank you to all those children that have emailed me their pirate story, these were brilliant and I loved reading (or watching them!) I am pretty sure that I have managed to email you all back but please send me another email if I have missed yours. Lots of you completed the Sumdog challenges and a special well done to holrip and treray who managed to complete them both. I have also enjoyed looking at all the different pictograms that you have completed on Purple Mash, they were all completely different and I know that there were some interesting ways of collecting data during our time at home (thank you parents!).

Well done to each and every one of you that have given the home learning tasks a go, I am really impressed.

So over the next two weeks we will be celebrating Easter and as a school we have have some exciting Easter activities for you to do this week.

Easter Egg Design- Each child in the school is being asked to design their own Easter egg. This can be done in any way that you like, it could be a decorated real hard boiled egg, or a painting, drawing, cake etc. absolutely anything that you like. You can take a photo and email these to me or post on the 'At home' page of the school website, so the rest of the school can see them as well.

Sumdog Contest - Sumdog have a National contest that started on Friday 3rd April and runs until Thursday 9th April at 8pm, log in and play as usual to join in and answer as many questions as you can, but remember to take your time and answer carefully!

The Easter Story- At this time of year we always look back and reflect on The Easter Story. Read The Easter Story with your family (If you do not have the story at home or a Children's Bible you can watch The Easter Story here. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/religious-studies-ks1-the-christian-story-of-easter/zhgv47h ) Re-write the main events of the story in your own words. Don't forget all those wonderful writing skills that you have been practicing and using this year, maybe try to use some co-ordinating conjunctions (and, or, but) or as a challenge some sub-ordinating conjunctions (because, when, if) in your story.

Rainbows- I have been so impressed with all of the rainbows that you have been creating and they are looking brilliant on the school website, please share any more that you make with me so they can be put on the school website for all to see. You can email them to me and I will pass onto Mr Handy or you can post these directly onto the 'At Home' page

And last but not least please remember to keep reading and sharing stories, it is a brilliant time to be able to relax with a good book, so please make the most of it! I would love to hear of any good book recommendations!

Most importantly though enjoy spending time with your family, playing games, building dens, baking, reading or having Easter egg hunts! This is such a precious time to be together, make sure you all enjoy it!

Please continue to send me emails, photos and videos I really do love receiving these and seeing what you are all up to! I know Mrs Edney has liked receiving hers too!

Take care, missing you all,

Mrs Nethersole

Hi Toucans,

I hope that you have had a fun first week at home and have enjoyed exploring the tabecat page of the website, I can see that lots of you have logged onto Sumdog and Bug Club, well done.

Your home learning tasks for the week beginning 30th April are below.

Maths- We were going to start some work on statistics this week, collecting and recording information.

Try to collect some information and record it in a tally chart, this could be what your family and friends' favourite animals are, how much fruit you eat across the week or the different insects you can find in your garden. I have then set you a '2 do' in Purple Mash that will allow you to turn your information into a pictogram. When you log into it, it will show cars at the bottom, but you can change the pictures to suit the information you have collected.

You can also revise some of the maths learning we have already done this year on https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ . White Rose Maths home learning are providing daily lessons that you can do at home and support how we teach Maths at school. The lessons from last week and for this week are on fractions, something that is always worth practising!

English- Write a pirate adventure story.

Use all the things that we have learnt about pirates to help you to write a story of them setting sail on an adventure. Think about describing the characters and settings and what problems they may face on the way. You could even link this to our work in Geography this term on continents and oceans- what oceans do they travel across, what continents do they get to?

Along with our Toucan Page, Mr Wiskin has also set up his own PE lessons page to help you all to stay active, check it out and give it a try. I have already been hearing that lots of you are also doing Joe Wick's live PE lesson, keep it up!

I have also set you some challenges on Sumdog- a maths challenge and spelling challenge (using the spellings you were learning for this week's test.) Give them a go and I will check how you are doing over the next week. Please also remember to keep reading and sharing stories!

Finally a big thank you to everyone who has already emailed Me or Mrs Edney, or added items to the 'At Home' page of the website, it has been lovely to see what you have been up to and seeing all the fun you are having makes us smile.

Have a lovely week, take care,

Mrs Nethersole

PS- I wonder if there are any of the Easter eggs left, my bet is that they have all been eaten already!

Hi Toucans!

Well done for finding our Class page on the website. I hope that you are well and enjoying your time at home playing and having lots of fun!

This week I would like you to make sure that you can log onto all the online learning platforms through the Tabecat page to make sure that you can access everything and have a little play while you are on there. If anyone has any issues with logging on, please email me on nnethersole@holytrinityhalstead.com

I would also like you to read something every day! Any type of reading or sharing stories is great, comics, magazines and of course Bug Club! (I will be keeping online Bug Club book bags stocked up - but please let me know if yours has run out!)

If at any point you would like to email me (or Mrs Edney eedney@holytrinityhalstead.com ) about what you have been up to we would love to know how you are and what you are doing with your time. You can also share what you've been up to on our At Home page.

Miss you all!

Mrs Nethersole