


Indian Writing in English

Comparative Literature

Postcolonial Literature

Feminist Writing

Subaltern Literature

TITLE OF M.PHIL DISSERTATION: A Feministic Study of Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terror and That Long Silence


2008-20 : 10 scholars

Ph.D Topic: Victimhood in the Select Fiction of Mulk Raj Anand and Aravind Adiga: A Subaltern Perspective


2020 : 1 scholar

UGC MINOR RESEARCH PROJECT: Postmodernist and Metamodernist Polity in the Fiction of Aravind Adiga (2014-16)


Articles Published in Journals and books:

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Survival of the Subalterns in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger: A Postcolonial Perspective ”. Crossian Resonance- A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.1 No.2, 2010. 9-15. Print. ISSN 0976-5417.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Survival of the Subalterns in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger”. Voices from the New Millennium Writers, Chennai: Pavai Publications, 2011. 1-17. Print. ISBN: 978-81-7735-663-2.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Colonisation Vs Decolonisation: A Subaltern Critique of Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger”Crossian Resonance- A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.6 No.1, 2015. 3-6. Print. ISSN 0976-5417.

Veena, Virgin Nithya V. “Metamodern Reading of Aravind Adiga’s Last Man in Tower” Crossian Resonance- A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol: 7; No: 1 June 2016 pp.6-9. Print. ISSN 0976-5417.

Veena, Virgin Nithya V & B.L.Brigid. “Ecological Imbalance Vs Sociological Inequities in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger” Roots International Multidisciplinary Researches: A Peer Reviewed, Refreed & Quarterly Journal with Impact Factor, Vol 3 No 3 feb 2017 Impact Factor:3.096 ISSN 2349-8684

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Life in Nature: An Eco-critical Reading of Linda Hogan’s Power”. Crossian Resonance- A Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.9 No.2, 2018. Print. ISSN 0976-5417.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Cultural Polarities in Ama Ata Aidoo’s The Dilemma of a Ghost”. International Journal on Studies in English Language Literature and Humanities (IJELLH), vol.7. no,3 446-452, 2019 ISSN 2321-7065

Articles Published in Journals with Impact Factor:

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Postcolonial Socio-cultural Linguistics in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger” RJELAL, Dec. 2015 Vol. 3 Issue 4 pp.121-125 ISSN 2395-2636 (print), ISSN 2321-3103 (online). Impact factor 4.26

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Changing Values: A Postmodern Polity of Globalisation in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger” TJPRC- IJEL, Nov-Dec. 2015 Vol.5 Issue 6 pp.59-62. Print. ISSN 2249-6912 (print) ISSN 2249-8028 (online) Impact Factor:4.4049. Index Copernicus Value 3.0

Veena, Virgin Nithya V & B.L.Brigid. “Ecological Imbalance Vs Sociological Inequities in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger” Roots International Multidisciplinary Researches: A Peer Reviewed, Refreed & Quarterly Journal with Impact Factor, Vol 3 No 3 feb 2017 Impact Factor:3.096 ISSN 2349-8684

Papers Presented and Published in Proceedings:

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. Bama’s Harum Scarum Saar and Other Stories - A Tale of Veiled Faces”. Crossian Research Forum. August,2008. 53-57. Print.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “The Othered and the Empowered in Mulk Raj Anad’s Coolie and Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger”. Fifth All India Conference of KAAS, December, 2009.124-127. Print. ISBN – 978 – 81 – 909710 – 0- 3.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “A Woman’s Need for Space in Shashi Deshpande’s That Long Silence. UGC sponsored National Seminar, January, 91-98. 2010.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Victimhood in Aravind Adiga’s Between the Assassinations. Sixth All India Conference of KAAS, September, 2010.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Self- Respect: A Road to Salvation- A Critique of Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable,” Crossian Research Forum. August, 2011.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Quality Second Language Teaching” NAAC sponsored IQAC Seminar, October, 2013.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Constraints in Aravind Adiga’s Last Man in Tower: A Postmodern Perspective” Current Trends in Multidisciplinary Research. Jan, 2015, ISBN: 978-81-0261-2-6.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Dehumanisation: The Plight of the Subalterns in Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger” Conference on Subaltern Voices. March, 2015

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V& E.Sahaya Merlin. “Rewriting History: A Postmodern Critique of Michael Ondatjee’s Running in the Family” KAAS, Sept 2015, ISBN: 978-93-81658-13-0.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Animal Imagery: A Postmodern Technique of Deconstructive Narration in Aravind Adiga’s Fiction” CSSIR sponsored National Conference on Sociolinguistics. Feb, 2016.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V& E.Sahaya Merlin. “Multimodal Narrative Strategy in Michael Ondatjee’s In the Skin of a Lion”. CSSIR sponsored National Conference on Sociolinguistics. Feb, 2016.

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V. “Barriers on the Way to Boundaries: A Critique of Aravind Adiga’s Selection Day”. International Conference in Research and Pedagogy. Mar. 2017. ISBN 978-93-5267=857-0

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V& B.L.Brigid. “A Psychoanalytic Study of Aravind Adiga’s Selection Day”. International Conference in Research and Pedagogy. Mar. 2017. ISBN 978-93-5267=857-0

Veena, Virgin Nithya. V & E.Sahaya Merlin. “Communal Life Besides Chaos: Postmodern Analysis of Michael Ondaatje’s In the Skin of a Lion”. International Conference in Research and Pedagogy. Mar. 2017. ISBN 978-93-5267=857-0