Intermediate/Advanced Courses

Intermediate to Advanced courses for undergraduates at College of the Holy Cross

BIOL 235 —  Marine Biology 

Course count: 1 

This course presents a survey of the organisms that live in the sea and their adaptations to the marine environment. The course covers the major divisions of marine life and their diversity of form, as well as common ecological patterns, physiological processes and evolutionary strategies. The function and role of coastal, open-ocean, and deep sea ecosystems are also considered, as is the relevance of marine biology to current scientific, social, health, and economic affairs. Includes laboratory. Ecological and evolutionary biology.

Prerequisite: BIOL 163

GPA units: 1.25

Common Area: Natural Science

Typically Offered: Annually

BIOL 299 (285) —  Invertebrate Biology 

Course count: 1 

Invertebrate Biology presents a survey of the diversity in animal body designs.  The course emphasizes the form, function, behavior, ecology, and evolutionary relationships of major invertebrate taxa.  The course will also cover historical and modern interactions between invertebrates and humans, e.g. as food, parasites, model systems for biological and medical research, as well as being general sources of fascination.  

Prerequisite: BIOL 163

GPA units: 1

Common Area: Natural Science

Typically Offered: Alternate Years

GEOS 350 —  Oceanography

Course count: 1

This course is an introduction to the inter-disciplinary study of the world’s oceans, and provides an overview of the main oceanographic sub-disciplines: biological, chemical, geological, and physical oceanography. The course will cover topics related to the science underlying global climate change, ocean acidification, ocean warming, sea level rise, marine pollution, resource extraction, and meteorology. A solid understanding of how the world ocean works and humanity’s association with it is fundamental to the appreciation, preservation, utilization, and protection of oceanic environments worldwide.

Prerequisite: CHEM 231

GPA units: 1

Typically Offered: Alternate Years