Thomas MacMullin

I photograph entire environments, including overlooked details and fleeting moments. I feel connected with my surroundings when I understand how a place's components interact with one another. I seek minute aspects of a space to access its atmosphere, a process that helps me connect with a location and uncover its admirable qualities.

The photographs do not merely document, but rather recreate a particular place; the two-dimensional assemblage prompts the viewer to envision the three-dimensional landscape. I capture various angles of a location and, through collages and sets, cohesively tie together the fragmented features. Images focused on a single aspect with a shallow depth of field emphasize the importance of all the parts of a place, even the small ones. The expansive compositions accentuate how the segments come together to form a space while dynamic lines juxtapose the stillness in each photo.

In solitude, I can focus my attention on the environment around me. To recreate my encounter with a place, I omit figures in my work, establishing an intimate relationship between the viewer and the images. I interlace sprawling vistas and seemingly insignificant minutiae of nature. The mundane moments, often unnoticed, are the building blocks of grandiose landscapes. I seek the small elements that together form sublime views. In the vastness of nature, it is surprising to learn how much gravity the details hold. I highlight how ambiance emanates from the interaction of the features in a larger setting.

My fleeting experiences, which would typically dissolve from memory, are now eternalized in the reliquary of a photograph. Although the viewer did not disassemble the scene, the composition requires the viewer's active engagement to reassemble it. Thus, the viewer joins me in appreciation of space.

Installation of Isolation

Archival inkjet prints, 2020

Installation of Fragmented

Archival inkjet prints, 2020

Installation of Figge Woods

Archival inkjet prints, 2020

Installation of Puzzle Pieces

Archival inkjet prints, 2020, 4"x 6"