Honor Socieities


AP Spanish

AP Latin

AP Chinese

AP French

AP Italian

Honor societies in Chinese, French, Italian, Latin and Spanish are affiliated with nationwide professional organizations for the teaching of the respective languages. The purpose of Holmdel's World Language Honor Societies is to recognize those students who have excelled in the study of their chosen foreign language.  Each society has its own set of cirteria for membership which include:

A formal induction ceremony is held each year and the societies pursue service and similar club-type activities.

Chinese Honor Society

Quan Mei Zhongwen Rong Yu Xue Hui

(Niu Zhe Xi Fen Hui)

Advisor:  Ms. Yongping Wang

The National Chinese Honor Society (NCHS) was established in 1993 to recognize those accomplished high school students who study Chinese as a world language. The National Chinese Honor Society is a scholastic organization that promotes and recognizes students who demonstrate citizenship, leadership, and community service. The purpose of the National Chinese Honor Society is to encourage its members to become life-long learners in order to gain a better understanding of Chinese language and culture, as well as to play an active role as a contributing global citizen in the twenty-first century. As members of NCHS, students are obligated to attend all NCHS meetings and actively participate in NCHS sponsored events throughout the year.

三人行,必有我師  ~ Confucius

Need a Tutor?  Please email Mrs. Wang

to request a WL Honor Society Tutor for Chinese.

French Honor Society

Société Honoraire de Français

(Chapitre Jean-Paul Sartre)

Advisor:  Ms. Laurence Cogger

 French Honor Society (FHS) is an organization dedicated to fostering an appreciation of French culture and the French language amongst its members and throughout the school. FHS participates in the annual International Night and sets up various fundraisers throughout the year. 

"Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point."  ~ Blaise Pascal

Need a Tutor?  Please email Mrs. Cogger

to request a WL Honor Society Tutor for  French.

Italian Honor Society

Società Onoraria Italica

(Capitolo Francesco Petrarca)

Advisor:  Ms. Elizabeth Malolepszy

   The Società Onoraria Italica, The National Italian Honor  Society for High School Students, is sponsored by the  American Association of Teachers of Italian. The purpose of this program is to give recognition to achievements in Italian as well as to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of Italian culture and civilization.

Il mondo e' un libro e chi non viaggia ne conosce solo una pagina.  ~  Sant'Agostino

Need a Tutor?  Please email Ms. Malolepszy

to request a WL Honor Society Tutor for  Italian.

Latin Honor Society

Sodalitas Honorabilis Latina

Advisor:  Mr. Sean Carney

The Latin Honor Society is a group of young scholars.  The students work through Ancient texts to bring the Roman World of Classical comes to Life.  As a society, we honor high achievement and work to spread the word of Classical language, history and culture.

Non scholae sed vitae discimus.  We learn not for school, but for life.  ~ Latin Proverb

Need a Tutor?  Please email Mr. Carney

to request a WL Honor Society Tutor for  Latin.

Spanish Honor Society

Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica

(Capítulo Vicente Blasco Ibáñez)

Advisors:  Ms. Kathleen Taylor & Mrs. Yeralis Knice

The Spanish Honor Society is dedicated to the appreciation and conservation of the Spanish language and culture. It encourages a continuity of interest in Spanish studies.  Students are chosen to become members of the honor society through an application process and are expected to have proficient Spanish language skills in order to truly benefit from the society which correlates  with the Society’s mission of high academic achievement.  Cultural Spanish events are regularly held by the honor society in order to promote the culture and create true realization of the beauty of the language.

El que lee mucho y anda mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho. ~ Don Quixote de la Mancha - Cervantes

Need a Tutor?  Please email Mrs. Taylor or Mrs. Knice

to request a WL Honor Society Tutor for  Spanish.