Motor:Bit Board


Motor:bit is a motor driving board based on micro:bit. It has an integrated TB6612 motor driver chip, which is used to run two motors with maximum 1.2A DC per single channel. The board also has the ability to change 6 ports from 3V/5V.

Extensions - Software Programming

DC Motor Connector

Connectors shown as M1 and M2 can support a DC motor with a max current of 1.2A. 


Once a passive buzzer is connected to the P0 port on micro:bit, it can play music. 

Power Switch

Slide the switch to ON, power is connected; slide the switch to OFF, Power is disconnected. 

External power connector for motor support

The power connector is available to provide 6-12V DC power to the motor ports. Please keep in mind that the motor ports can not support AMPS higher than 1.2 so no big motors:(). 

Pin Voltage Switch

Sliding the switch from 5V to 3.3V will change the 6 IO ports only: P13, P14, P15, P16, P19, P20 from 3 to 5 volts.