
Extra Help Days:
Office Hours:
Posted on the Student Classroom Google Stream.


Grades are derived from earned points out of total points. Points generally come from in class assignments, notes and projects. Students are expected to participate in class, complete hand-out assignments and homework. Class is 70% summative/projects and 30% formative/classwork.


    • Pencils

    • 3-ring binder w/loose leaf paper

    • Head Phones or Ear Buds

    • Composition notebook or similar

Course Description: Robotics and automation are growing and evolving fields across the technology industry. The objective of this course is to introduce the student to basic programming as well as problem solving strategies using robotics and automation. Students will have the chance to explore a wide variety of topics to gain an understanding of how robotics can impact their daily lives. Students will work hands-on in teams to design, build, program and document their mechanical systems and apply those skills to real world applications. Each student will learn how to send and receive commands to and from a robot using various sensors and components to test and evaluate their solutions.

Engineering Design Process

Basic Electronics


3D Printing & Tinkercad