“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

Albert Einstein 

Recommended Equipment:

Extra Help Days:
Days: (A&B)
Office Hours:(2:45 - 3:15)

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Email: rokeefe@holmdelschools.org

Daily Learning Activities:Daily Technology "Word of the Day"Each class period a technology word of the day is introduced. This is to help our students expand their vocabulary and learn about science, technology, construction and other meaning full topics.Weekly Composition Invention Log:Students are asked to keep a composition book that they can sketch at will any creative invention they come up with. They are asked to describe the invention and draw a picture.

Great videos to watch and share.

Neil Harbisson

I listen to color

Bruno Maisonnier

Dancing Robots

Robert Gordon

The death of innovation, the end of growth

Simone Giertz

Why you should make useless things