Gifted and Talented Policy Summary

1. Purpose & Responsibility: The Board of Education is dedicated to identifying gifted and talented students in our district and offering them educational programs tailored to their abilities.

2. Definition: 

   - Gifted and Talented Students: These are students with notably high abilities in one or more subjects when compared to their peers in the district.

   - Instructional Adaptation: This means modifying instruction so gifted students can learn and showcase their understanding at their own capability level, rather than just their grade level.

3. Identification Process:

   - The district will constantly assess students from Kindergarten to grade twelve.

   - The process takes into account all students, including English learners and those with special education plans.

   - The criteria used for identifying gifted students will be available on the district's website.

4. Educational Approach:

   - Suitable instructional adaptations will be made for these students.

   - Curriculum and instruction will be modified based on the student’s needs and can include additional activities like academic competitions, specialist lessons, and guest speaker sessions.

   - The National Association for Gifted Children’s standards will guide the identification and service process.

5. Professional Development & Resources:

   - The district will support teacher and staff training in the field of gifted education.

   - Time and resources will be allocated to improve tools and methods for teaching gifted students.

6. Reporting:

   - A detailed report will be submitted to the New Jersey Department of Education regarding gifted and talented services, student demographics, staff details, professional development, and more. This report will be regularly updated based on the New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum review timeline.

7. Parental Involvement: Parents of gifted students will be consulted about programs tailored to their child’s needs.

8. Complaint Process:

   - If someone believes the district hasn't adhered to the state's guidelines regarding gifted education, they can file a complaint with the Board of Education.

   - Decisions will be made in writing, and if unsatisfactory, the individual can appeal to the Commissioner of Education.

9. Transparency:

   - The district will make all information about this policy and its procedures available on its website for public viewing.

This summary provides an accessible overview of our policy dedicated to supporting gifted and talented students. Please refer to our website for detailed information and specific criteria for identification and services.

The gifted and talented services in Holmdel Township Public Schools are needs-based and designed, in accordance with NJ-A4710: Strengthening Gifted Education Act, for those students who, when compared to their chronological peers, possess or demonstrate exceptionally high levels of ability in one or more content areas. 

Through a tiered system of support, G&T services provide additional and appropriate educational challenges and opportunities to meet the needs of identified students. The curricula for the various Gifted and Talented programs are created by the teachers, designed to provide appropriate challenges to intellectually and academically advanced learners, and approved by the Board of Education. 

The term “gifted” recognizes exceptionality in aptitude or achievement that requires appropriately differentiated services in order for the student to reach their full potential.

Vision and Mission

The goals of the Holmdel Township Public Schools' Gifted and Talented program shall be to: 

The Gifted and Talented Program will address the unique social needs of gifted and talented students. The program seeks to:

The Gifted and Talented program shall assess student performance and include an annual identification process that includes multiple, developmentally appropriate, culture fair, measures. These may include but are not limited to achievement test scores, student performance products, aptitude test score, parent and teacher gifted behavior inventory scores and other appropriate measures.