Wrap Program Coordinator:

Lara Carducci

732-946-1800 x6016

Integrated Preschool Program Information

Preschool Wrap Around Program Information

Extended Day Program LINK

Preschool Wrap Around Program

The Preschool Wrap Program will provide children ages 3-4 with a extended social and academic learning experience for students enrolled in the Integrated Preschool Program at Village School. This is a tuition-based program sponsored by the Board of Education. The wrap program instructors supplement the preschool curriculum to support student learning by reinforcing skills previously learned in class.

The Preschool Wrap Program provides quality childcare instructors and assistants with low-student-adult ratios. The state-of-the-art classrooms provide a multi-sensory, center based and technology rich learning experience. The children participate in engaging, hands-on learning experience. Lunch, recess and rest periods are scheduled components of the daily experience. Transportation is provided to and from Village School.

Preschool Wrap Program Details:

Ages 3 and 4

Monday - Friday Half-day Programs

Morning Session: 9:05 AM - 1:10 PM

Afternoon Session: 11:30 AM -3:35 PM

Students must enroll for all five days of the wrap program.

Students are escorted by an instructor to or from the integrated preschool program.

Entrance Requirements:

Holmdel's Preschool Wrap Program is a tuition program for children between the ages of 3 and 4 years old who are residents of Holmdel and enrolled in the Integrated Preschool Program. All preschoolers participating in the program must be toilet-trained.

Tuition Information:

Tuition Cost for the Preschool Wrap Program for the 2020-2021 School Year is $550.00 per month

A deposit of $1,100.00 is due at the time of acceptance into the program. This will be posted as payment for September 2020 and June 2021. The remaining eight payments are due on the 15th of the month prior (i.e. Sept. 15th for October).

Enrollment Process:

Students enrolled in the Integrated Preschool Program are automatically eligible for the Preschool Wrap Around Program. To enroll, please complete the online registration form found HERE.