• Rhythmatic Exhibition- Released March 21, 2019 on Hollow Earth Recordings HE025

Available exclusively on SoundCloud for streaming and BandCamp for downloading.

A covers album? Why? Based on my unending sense of nostalgia coupled with pride and a desire to invent words, I present Rhythmatic Exhibition- consisting of new versions of some of the work that has been created around me in past times.

One of my long-term projects was called Words Meet the Sky (or WMTS) with my friend Scott M. Stringham. We have worked on this project quite a bit through the years, and it has yielded some really great stuff (and a few interesting side projects that might be available in the future)

Another band I worked with was Ashes, the brainchild of Matt Taylor and Alan Farnsworth. We played a few gigs, wrote some great songs, but eventually the demands of civilian live caught up with us and we scattered unto the winds.

The songs collected here are from those two projects. I have played around with these tunes over the years and realized that I should finish them and put them into a coherent release. This is my attempt to fulfill that desire.

Track Details:

  • 1- Prometheus (1990) Words and Music by Matt Taylor. A new take on a song we performed in Ashes, 1990-1992. Matt wrote a great tune. I changed it.
  • 2- When I Was Young (2002/2003) Words and Music by Peter Jones and Scott M. Stringham. First developed as part of the WMTS album “Believe”- this one was known as “Believe V” Recent life changes have given me incentive to revive and revisit this song.
  • 3- Stay (1989) Words and Music by Peter Jones and Scott M. Stringham. Originally created by WMTS and called Stay (The Asking) in response to a fierce loneliness and deep pining for a girlfriend, who was on a week’s vacation. Or was it a month? Or years? Seems a bit corny now, but a slice of nostalgia pie is never a bad thing.
  • 4- Love’s Lonely Children (1990) Words and Music by Matt Taylor. I’ve always been quite fond of the lyrics in this song. One of the first songs I learned to play on a guitar. The last song completed for this collection.
  • 5- Whirlpool (1990) Words and Music by Alan Farnsworth. The depth, the motion, the mood, the atmosphere. This song blew me away the first time I heard it- in a garage band practice, middle of the winter 1990/91.
  • 6- Go (1990/2003) Words and Music by Peter Jones and Scott M. Stringham. The lyrics were birthed in the angsty aftermath of a local gig filled with people we didn’t like. A touch adolescent, the sentiment still rings true to a great degree. Music was developed in 2003 for the WMTS album “Believe”
  • 7- Believe (2003/2014) Words and Music by Peter Jones and Scott M. Stringham. This song- it has literally taken 2 decades to mature. Written for WMTS, I came up with a musical bit and Scott showed up one day with nearly perfect lyrics. It came out very complex and nearly perfect. It was the capstone of the Believe album, and then I started fiddling with it. Originally it was in F# with a 6/8 time signature, played on an acoustic guitar with an open tuning. I adjusted it to 4/4 and in G, played on keyboards and electric guitars tuned standard. The lyrics evolved slowly, but in 2014 a bunch of life changes inspired me to rewrite the words a bit. Very meticulous work. Everything here is very deliberate and purposeful. Becky Willard, a childhood friend and professional music producer, heard this version and insisted on mixing it. It is extremely ironic that I send my music to Becky, as we had reversed roles earlier in life with me being the audio technician and she fulfilling the role of the performer. Check out her place: Vox Fox Studios
  • 8- The Nothing I Knew (2002) Words and Music by Peter Jones and Scott M. Stringham. Always a favorite in WMTS, this song had to be included on this collection. Our good friend James loved this song. He used to sing it to me, out of the blue, whenever I’d see him.

All instruments, engineering and production by MoonLumen except:

Bass on 4, 5- Kyle McCann

Programming on 3, 7, 8- Dr. Y. R. Kueding.

Vocals- Daidrie, Jessica

7 mixed by Rebecca Willard at Vox Fox Studios

Graphic design and creation by Swagger Creative Services

Front Cover Design by Teresa Aranda

Opera sample from SoundSnap- Used with permission

Special Thanks: Scott, Matt, Alan, Barrett, Becky, Kyle, Teresa, Darwin, David, Martin, John, Nick, George, Sugar, Fluffy, Charlie, Jeffy, Brandon, Betty, DD, Jay, Sam, Link

All copyrights remain the property of the original creators or their assignees, music used with permission.

© 2019 Hollow Earth Recordings

HE 025