Middle School Writer's Showcase

Hilarious Math Problems by 7th Graders


Duru Arıcan 

I was up all night to bake muffins for the bake sale at school tommorow. I baked vanilla flavoured muffins since I love them so much. I put them on a box and put them to my backpack to bring them to school. The bake sale is for to collect money for people who survived from the earthquale. The bake sale started with four people including me, Joe, Ella and Phoebe. Joe made strawberry muffins I knew that they were delicious by the smell of them. Joe sold 4 times as many muffins as me. But I had to admit that they were good, he even let me try one muffin as a sample. Then there was Phoebe. Phoebe sold 300 more muffins than Joe. She made chocolate chip muffins. Finally Ella sold three times as amy muffins as Phoebe. so that is 3300 muffins! I didn't know that everyone was a fan of chocolate muffins. So how many muffins did I sell? 

Alphan Bilginoğulları 

At the lab, a scientist was doing some tests, and one of his science potions fell over a pile of potatoes and the potatoes came to life. It was their only goal to destroy Earth. The potatoes found the potion and got larger by 4 times. On Tuesday they got 300 more soldiers. At last, they got tripled and there were 3300 mutant potatoes! How many potatoes were at the start? 

Can Köse 

"Welcome brave souls to Kepler 6159. You have been brought here as reinforcements for Eagland. Unfortunate news is that soldiers have no power anymore. The war has gone nuclear. We have launched an unknown amount. It is a government secret. If you want to learn however, Kiwia has launches 3 times more nuclears as us! Suagullistan has 400 more than Kiwia. Democratic Peoples Republic of Crows are currently dominating the war. They have 3 times more nukes than Seagullistan, with a grand total of 2300 nuclear warheads. Good luck surviving 3300 nuclear warheads soldier. End of note"

Melissa Hemmerling 

Me and my friends got a phone call from London by Peggy Hodgson claiming that there was supernatural activity going on. Me and my friends which are Maria, Alex and Mike went to investigate that house and started a challange. Everyone had to investigate the house and write books about it and th eone that has a lot of readers will get a surprise. My books had a lot of readers but Maria got 4 times as many than mine. Then Alex got 300 more readers than Maria. Mike's readers were three times more than Alex's. Mike got 3300 readers. How many readers did I get?

Defne Koca 

I was at an Easter Festival with my friends Kayla, Kaan, and Sienna. I found a lot of eggs but Kayla found 4 times as many as mine. I couldn't believe it! Then I learned that Kann found 300 more eggs than Kayla! I thought they were lying but I saw his basket full of eggs. Later on, Sienna came and told Kaan that she found 3 times as many as his. After the festival, I noticed that my basket was missing and I can't remember how many eggs I'd found. Can you help me find out how I collected? (Don't tell the others though, I don't want them to laugh at me)


Duru Darılmaz 

My house is a small house on top of the mountain. The rent I pay is not much, bur enough for a week. My friend Errin pays four times more than me. Her house has a gym in it. Kerim also owns a big house. He pays 300 dollars more than Errin. The biggest house in our friendship group is Defne's. She has a roller coaster, a huge pool, and a zoo in her garden. She told her that her favorite animal is the monkey and always posts pictures of it. She works in a big job and pays triple what Kerim pays. She earns and pays 3300 dollars a week. She is so rich,  my house looks like a rat next to her dragon-like house. ow much is my rent per week?

Lale Ergelen 

My book got bought so many times when I was selling them while climbing the Eiffel Tower and feeding the birds around me while I fed them croissants. However, Jane got three times as mine when she pet a girrafe while riding on an elephant. Peter sold 300 more than Jane's when he swam with penguings under the Northern lights. But in the end Sarah broke Peter's record with 3 times more than his when she swung through the Amazon Jungle with monkeys and birds flying around her. she got 3300 books sold! How many likes did I get?

Berrak Keler

Berrak, Duru, Dicle and Alisa wanted play a game. But this game was different, they made this game like a race. They wanted to know who will make more money in 1 day. They all had different ideas in their minds. Berrak's idea was selling stuff she didn't use. It seemed like a good idea at the beginning but it didn't make much. The second idea came from Duru. She worked at an ice-cream shop and she made 4 times more money than Berrak. It was time for Alisa's idea. Her one was not interesting. She worked next to her father for 1 day and he gave Alisa 300 more TL than Duru's money. Alisa was at the top for a while but then Dicle came. She had the most hilarous idea, she decided to sell her AirPods. Three grils couldn't belive it. It semmed like Dicle took the race a bit more seriously. Dicle made 3 times more than Alisa. In total Dicle made 3300 TL and she was the winner. How much money did Berrak make at the beginning?

Levent Nusret Onat

It was a noraml day at ISS-3, the third space station created by humans. It was year 2442. The station was 42 years old but three hundred times bigger than the first one. The normal day ended when enemies of an unknown race started an invasion. All the enemies in the invasion of ISS-3 were killed. The enemies wanted revenge. They sent 4 times more soldiers to Mars. All the enemies in Mars were killed too. The balled of Mars really angered the aliens. They were planning to build a base on Mars. After that event The Battle of Earth happened. 300 more soldiers were sent to Earth than the battle of Mars. All were killed. Now the aliens angered the humans. The humans started calling the aliens The Unholy Race. Humans went to Kradigon, the home planet of Unholies. They killed three t,mes more enemies than the battle of Earth. The Battle of Kradigon made the total enemies killed 3300. From the 200 killed on the invasion of ISS-3, how many soldiers in total were killed? 

Maya Bilgili

Today, me and my friend came to the arcade we wanted to beat the high score on our favorite game, Zombie Hunt. On my first try, I got I bunch of points but an annoying employee budged in and bet me money he'd get more points than me. He got four times as much as my first try. I felt defeated but my friend beat the employee. She got 300 more points than him. We checked the high scores but then realized, a past player had gotten three times more than her. She felt upset and the angry annoying employee laughed in our faces, "I told you, you can't even beat the legendary high score!" She looked at me with an ashamed expression on her face. I was ready to beat that high score and show him we were better than him and that player. I tried again with all my might and I got the sum of all their points, I got 3300. I beat the high score and we left the arcade with mischievous smiles on our faces as he stared in shock. How many points did I get on my first try?


Ezgi Erolsun 

Chang Chi has so many different colored whales in his room, but some how his other friends have more. Chong Choo has 4 times the whales Chang Chi has. Jong Jos has 300 more whales in his room than Chong Choo but there whales are pink and they glow in the dark. Jhoon Choi' has 3 times the whales as Chong Choo. Every single whales is very different.  Jang Jos' favorite colored whale is glittered green and has orange eyes. Jhoon Choi's mother is counting the whales 1 by 1, so go help her! How many whales Jhoon Choi have?

Yamaç Özcan

There is a German battalion approaching Northern France. It's gloomy and foggy they need help to learn the number of Germans. The information they were given is that there are 4 times more British soldiers than the German. There is 300 more Indian than the British and there are 3 times more French soldiers than the Indian. The only way to learn the number of enemies is solving this equation since the thick and gloomy fog doesn't let them see the Germans. 

Ata Koç 

Jackie Chan destroyed a lot of apples but Bruce Lee destroyed 4 times more apples than Jackie. Mike Tyson also destroyed a lot (my hands would hurt a lot). He destroyed 300 more apples than Bruce. And my man Muhammed Ali smashed the record by destroying 3 times the apples Mike destroyed. But I still don't know Jackie Chan's record. What is his record?


Zeynep Öz 

In today's match which we played against the team that contains very short girls, but however is able to be the best team ever, but it didn't go well. So many peopel got ace's in today's match. (Not our team, the opposite team) First there was a girl Derin who got many many aces. I couldn't keep track of it. She was literally fabulous today. She even smashed a ball in may face. It hurt, it really really hurt. Whatever. Than there was Alya, oh that girl. I am literally scared of her. Alya didn't smash a ball in my face with her spectacular serves but she wanted to. I felt it, I felt the tension. Alya got 4 times as many aces as Derin. Don't worry, it is getting better. Then there was Melissa there with the float serve She looked in my eyes like she wanted to beat me up. She even got more ace's  than Alya. 300 more I'm saying, 300 more. Oh god she was good but that girl Ecem, she was the worst, I mena the best. She smashed the ball so hard one popped in the air. She got 3 times more than Melissa. God was I terrified. But teh nightmare is over. But I can't remember how many ace's Derin got. Can you find it for me?

Efe Kerim Gözalan 

Once day I went to get a lottery because I felt I was so lucky. Then when the amount of dollars I won announced it was really high. Then I callled Mert and he won 4 times more dollars than I won. I learned that Sarp got 300 more dollars than Mert. I hadn't thought that Sarp would get this much because he wasn't lucky. Then when I learned his Instaram, I learned that Pars won 3 times more dollars than Sarp. I called him and asked if he would give me some of the money he won but unfortunately he said no. The 3300 dollars that Pars won was still on Pars. I was jealous. how many dollars did I win from the lottery? 

Zeynep Koç 

I bought some avocados from the Mars and had an avocado fight with aliens and my friends. Ayşe bought 4 times more avocados than me to join the fight. Zeynep bought 300 more avocados than Ayşe to join the fight. Kağan bought twice as many avocados than Zeynep. Eda bought the most! She bought 3300 avocados to join the fight! We know that Eda will win it! I am jealous! So how many avocados did I bring? 

Derin Günsür 

Max Versstappen is a formula one driver. HE drives the RB1g for Redbull this season. He has many great laps in his racing career. Charles Leclerc, another diver for Scuderia Ferrari, who is driving the SF23 has driven 4 times more than Max. Lewis Hamilton, who drives the W14 and has been racing for mercedes for over 10 years, drove 300 more than Charles. Finally Fernando Alonso who transferred to Aston Martin this year and drives the AMR23, has driven 5 times more than Lewis Alonso has driven 3300 laps in his career (with different teams and cars) How many laps has Max driven?

Irmak Gökdere 

My grandma has a lot of cabbage! Although my friend Alan's grandma has 4 times more than my grandma! Mehmet's grandma who is a professional cabbage makes has 300 more cabbages than Alan's grandma! Although, Zeynep's grandma who inspects cabbages in Canada has 3 times more cabbages compared to Mehmet's grandma. I am seriously concerned for these women! At least my grandma doesn't have that many cabbages because she doesn't professionally work with cabbages. Find out, how many cabbages my NORMAL grandma has.


Maya Özüm

There is a group of lowns chasing you. Out of no where some poepple in dinosour costumes that are four times as many as the clows start chaing you. When you turn a corner 300 more people than the dinosours start chasing you. After they join someone clals teh police. When they are 3 times more police than everyone else there. If there are 3300 people in the crowds how many clowns are chasing you?

Maya Bryza

An ice cream shop in going to produce a new flavor made of monkeys. The monkeys who hear about this are furious and they escape their zoos to sign a petition to stop the evil ice cream shop. A certain number of monkeys escape the Hisar Zoo to sign the petition. 4 times as many monkeys from Hisar escape the Migros Zoo and 300 more monkeys than the Migros Zoo escape the D&R Zoo. 3 times the amount of monkeys from the D&R Zoo escape the Starbucks Zoo. How many monkeys have signed the petition from the Hisar Zoo?

Mıha Yılmaz

The people who have watched Brooklyn 99 are four times more than the people who have watched Friends. The people who created Brooklyn 99 are also mad because the people who have watched Teen Wolf are 300 people more than Brooklyn 99. Everyone is getting heated and mad, even the person who created Teen Wolf because the people who watched Vampire Diaries are three times the people who watched Teen Wolf. Also when they look at the number of people who have watched Vampire Diaries is 3300 people. So how many people have watched Friends?

Funny Math Problems by 6th Graders

Tuğçe Akkaş 6A

A queen from a faraway land is planning on sending Hydes to Göktürk. But the Hydes need to rest every 15 minutes. To do so, the Hydes go to the toilet in Hisar School. Larrisa and Athena also go to the toilet every 12 minutes to chit chat and to do their homework. If the Hydes and the kids start at the same time, when will they meet and Larrisa and Athena discover the Hydes, and save the school? (Would Larrisa and Athena save the school from hydes????)

Yağmur Tunçbilek 6A

In the Wimbeldon tennis tournament, there are two fields that players compete in. In the first field it takes 12 minutes for a game to finish and in the second field it takes 15 minutes. They change fields when the second area have finished the 4th game. If they start playing at 15.00, what time will they change fields for the 2nd time?

Mina Peker 6A

Mine and Liar are at the same amusement park and they both love cotton candy so much. Mina loves to ride rollercoasters and right after she rides it she goes and eats cotton candy. She goes to eat cotton candy every 12 minutes. Liar rides the carousel and also goes to eat cotton candy right after finishing the ride. She goes to eat cotton candy every 15 minutes. When will Mina and Liar get cotton candy together for the first time?

Deniz Özkan 6A

A navy general sends a message to the Intelligence Agency every 12 days. An enemy general plans on tricking and hacking their message. If the two generals send the message at the same time they can access each other's messages. If the enemy general sends a message every 15 days when will the 3rd time that they can access (hack) each other's messages?

Eylül Akın 6A

Sylvia Tompson is a new high school student. Her brother Zachary Tompson is in the same school, too, but they have different classes at different times. They have to get together after some time passes because they are twin aliens undercover as humans. Sylvia needs to get closer with her twin once every 12 minutes. Since Zachary is 10 seconds bigger than Sylvia, he needs to get together with his twin once every 15 minutes. Their school is two hours long. But they don't know when they need to get together at school time. Someone needs to help them or their secret identities will be revealed! How many times should they get together at school time?

Poyraz Aydınlı 6B

A group of bodybuilders and super-strength soldiers wants to nuke Istanbul. There are 90 bodybuilders in a spaceship with laser weapons and 48 super-strength soldiers in an undercover submarine with lightning guns. She wants to divide the soldiers evenly in the same vehicle, so each group contains the same amount of soldiers, with no remainder. How many groups of soldiers can be made?

Derin Ulusoy 6B

An evil cow from the farm is planning to send chickens to Göktürk by his teleporting machine. He teleports the red chicken every 12 minutes and the purple chicken every 15 minutes. The chickens will attack with their feet that have ninja weapons on them. If they start at the same time when will be the first time both colors arrive at Göktürk? Will they be able to destroy Göktürk?

Deren Kaya 6B

A scientist is gonna send 2 groups of evil robots that are going to take over the world. There are 2 types of robots. One is soldier robots and warrior robots. The scientist has 28 soldier robots and 90 warrior robots. The scientist wants to divide the robots evenly into jets so he can send the robots to the earth. How many groups of jets that he can make with no remainder?

Derin Kutlu 6B

A viking overlord, Gorg wants to attack the neighboring kingdom. He has 90 warriors and 48 archers. He wants to divide those troops evenly between boats. He needs all of his troops. Sadly his boats sank at the last war so he has to build them. Each boat uses 26 wood. At least how much wood does he need to go to war?

Demir Ali Kunduracı 6E

Mehmet and the evil chocolate monster are working at the same place. The evil chocolate monster kills everybody who has chocolate and eats the chocolate. Also, Mehmet has low blood sugar so he has to eat chocolate in the dark room every 12 minutes and the evil chocolate monster looks to the dark room for a victim that has chocolate for every 15 minutes after they went to work. Also their work starts at the same time and their job ends after 130 minutes so when can the evil chocolate monster can kill Mehmet and takes his chocolate until the job is finished?

Ralf Bilmen 6E

Julie lives on the planet Uranus. Planet Uranus is Julie's home, but every 15 days astronauts come and every 12 days aliens come. If Julie is sick and tired of this situation and wants aliens to fight astronauts and get rid of each other, how many days later are the aliens and astronauts going to come at the same time?

Jeffrey Kıymaz 6E

At school 10th graders and 6th graders want to play handballl, but they fight every time, so the octopus teacher made a rule that 10th graders can play every 12 days and 6th graders can play every 15 days and when they don't play the other grades play how many times they will fight until the 130th day?

Emre Harunoğlu 6E

The Space Society and the Universal Research Team have teamed up to build rockets that will survive the heat of the sun and other rockets that could survive the pressure of a black hole. They have 48 dark matter bricks that can survive the pressure of a black hole and 90 cosmic planks that can survive the heat of the sun. They want to divide the materials equally with none left over without mixing them. How many different groups can be formed?

Giz Derin Taş 6E

Maya is helping flying capybaras to rule the world. They are planning to turn human into capybaras and Maya's sister Melisa is trying to stop them. Maya gets a message from the capybaras every 15 minutes and she needed to go to the restroom to reply to the capybaras. Melisa is getting messages from her boss every 12 minutes and also goes to the restroom to write her answer. It will start at the same time, when will it be the first time that they end up at the bathroom and Melisa has a chance to discover Maya's secret plan and save the world?

Kardem Özgen 6D

A crazy scientist named Max accidently mixed the wrong mixture. The he didn't think that he made the wrong mixture and he drank all the mixture. In every 12 minutes his legs gets 2cm bigger. In every 15 minutes he is having a clone.  After the first time both of the legs and clone happen at the same time, when will they happen at the same time again?

Zeynep Beceni 6D

Emily is helping the evil flying chicken to take over the world. These evil chickens teleport to our world from their kingdom Chiketopia. They think Chiketopia is not big enough for them, so they want to take over the world. They teleport to the farm every 12 hours and the farmer goes to the farm every 15 hours. When will the flying chickens and the farmer will see each other at the same time? Does the farmer have a chance to catch the chickens while they are teleporting and destroy their evil plans?

Özge Irmak Reka 6D

A little girl called Ayşe had a home that was a palace. Her cousin however was not allowed there. Her cousin is called Lale. Lale visited another planet called BK to kill Ayşe and her family. There she made a deal with a man that would give her powers. There were 2 catches though. The power would only activate every 12 minutes. The second one was that Ayşe would get a power every 15 mintues and they would only get their powers for 2 minutes. So when will they get their power at the same time and fight?

Dafne Konyalı 6D

Sam is planning to go to the haunted house. He wants to make 8 tours to investigate the house better. He finished a tour every 15 minutes. But this haunted house is not normal! There are ghosts living in it! Ghosts in there go to the kitchen to steal chips every 12 minutes. If they start at the same time, how many times will they see each other and Sam will get scared that he leaves the house faster than a cheetah?

Ömer Betil Erol 6D

At planet Uranus there is a shopping mall named larytoes, and it is really big. There is a clothes shop. It is really popular. There was a boy named Michael that had an evil plan to destroy Uranus. He has to go to the changing room every 15 minutes. There is another worker woman in the shop and she has to check if everything is alright every 12 minutes. When will the woman see Michael's evil plan. When will maybe she find out Michael's evil plan and save Uranus?

Bozak İrtis 6D

A gigantic Canadian goose is giving tours of his pond to people. Every hour, 2 busses come. By busses, I mean gigantic chickens that carry people. One of the chickens only carries 48 people. The other chicken carries 90 people. The canadian goose wants to evenly give tours to the people with no remainder. How many people should it take every tour from both groups? Keep in mind, he wants to waste the LEAST time.

Erim Arslan 6C

Jamal went to a forest in Ohio. He saw a man chasing him with a knife. Jamal stooped running every 12 minutes becarse he had to rest. The man that chased Jamal stopped every 15 minutes. If they start running in the same time, how long will the man run non-stop to catch Jamal the second time?

Emil Mitrani 6C

Zorro the alpaca is making a serum. Every year he makes 48 serums. The product he is making will make every alpaca super smart. Ceasar is a monkey that accidently took that serum and now he's super smart. Now he is making an anti-virues to overcome Zorro. He makes 90 every year. He notices that Zorro uses a pack that an carry up to 8kg. One serum and anti-virus is one kg. Both of them want to distibrute their product evenly through out each pack. How many anti-serums and serums will he pack in each pack to make it even?

Kuzey Çevik 6C

An evil group planted time bombs all over Hisar School. THe bomb defusers can only open and defuse the bombs right when they are at the same number. There are 2 big bombs in the building. Each of them are timed differently, but go off at the same time. One of the bombs starts at 12 and increases by 12 seconds, the other starts at 25 and increases every 15 seconds. They fail the first time but luckly the bombs don't explode. what is the number that they are going to defuse the bomb the second time?

Aylin Mutafyan 6C

An evil cookie monster and an evil chocolate monster need chocolate chips. The cookie monster needs them for his cookies and the chocolate monster needs them to eat. They go chocolate chip hunting separately. The cookie moster goes every 12 minutes and the chocolate goes every 15 minutes. How many times will they meet until it's 132 minutes?

Mayla Kosif 6C

Mison wanted to eat the earth because he was hungry. He only liked to eat planets with a lot of oxygen, becuase the other ones has a mystery crunch. Every 12 minutes he writes a plan on the dark web, and every 15 minutes a girl named Sani checks the dark web. Whats the first minute they are both on the dark web so Sani could save the world from being eaten?

Wackiest Math Problems by 8th Graders

Ada Ünsür 8A

Hisar School’s 8th graders go to Rome every year. This year, 25 boys decided to go and 28 girls. Then 5 extra boys wanted to go and 10 girls canceled their trip due to the Covid 19 disease’s increase in cases at their school. What is the greatest numbers of rooms they need to divide the boys and girls equally in their 5 star hotel? 

Karaca Doğan 8A

There are millions of fish on earth, but only a selected few get to attend the Aqua Maze. Aqua Maze is a hard labyrinth especially made for fish. Every year it is hosted by the Head Fish and the winner gets a year of free food. This year 30 female and 18 male fish are going to attempt the maze. The Head Fish will divide them into equal groups that will have the same number of gender in each group. However, the Head Fish wants to know the least number of groups in order to make the event more cost efficient. What is the greatest number of each gender that can be in the same group according to this?

Ela Geriş 8A

Avery is a space technician and works in a space station repairing outages. Avery lives on the spacecraft and goes out to the space station to examine and check on the space technology. One day, when Avery was at the station, a small rock hit her oxygen filter. The spacecraft slowly lost oxygen and Avery had to fix both generators before the craft completely ran out of oxygen and Avery is vacuumed into space. Each generator has internal explosions every few seconds. Avery has to fix both generators at the same time in order to avoid suffocating. While generator A has an explosion every 18 minutes, generator B has an explosion every ⅕ minutes. The estimated time that Avery is one fixing both generators is 4 minutes and 48 seconds. According to this information, how many times does Avery have to fix the generators?

Mark Levi 8B

There are two kids in a family. One of the kids really loves sports, but the other one loves music. They really love to play tag together and annoy each other. They really like making You Tube videos as well, but their breaks are at different times. One has a break every 18 minutes and the other has a break every 12 minutes. When will be the first time the two kids get a break together and be able to play and film Youtube videos together?

Leyla Büyükfırat 8B

A great adventurer is currently exploring the cave of Rio Secreto. It is said that a three-headed sea slug roams the same cave. The sea slug comes to the water’s surface every 12 days and the adventurer explores the cave every 18 days. How long will it be until the adventurer comes across the sea slug and meets his doom??

Deha Kırbacı 8B

Ali and Efe play video games in the same center. Ali plays every 18 days and Efe plays every 12 days. They start to play on Monday. On which day will the play on the same day (if a month is 30 days)?

Defne Uzun 8C

Ava loves eating chocolate but claims she is on a diet. She tells her friend Sally that she is on a diet almost every day. If she tells Sally she is on a diet every 12 minutes, and eats chocolate every 18 mins, when will she tell Sally she is on a diet and eat chocolate at the same time?

Efe Musa Kütük 8C

Mr. Ahmet has a son and a daughter. His son’s name is Dwayne and his daughter’s name is Aliki. Dwayne’s friends came for a sleepover and he is so mad when Aliki makes noise so every 18 minutes, Dwayne checks on Aliki. Aliki makes noise every 12 minutes. How many times does Dwayne have to visit her to catch her while she is making noise?

Semih Zakuto 8D

An alien wants to make money. So, the alien comes up with a great idea to accomplish his goal: giving UFO rides with his friend. The alien gives a ride every 18 minutes. On the other hand, his friend gives one every 12 minutes. Then, they both take a break. If they had a break now, how much time would have to pass until they could have a break at the same time again?

Doruk Ersoy 8D

Elon Musk has accomplished his goal, he found the way to build a balloon environment on Mars for people to live. Both rocket ships take eighteen and thirty minutes to go to mars and come back. They get launched from the earth at the same time. How many tours will it take them to get launched at the same time agan”?

Efe Çakır 8D

Josh is a gorilla who is so smart that his IQ is the same  as an average human. He can solve puzzles, do math, take out the trash, can speak and think. One day, the scientists gave Josh 30 cookies of chocolate chip and 18 glass cola bottles. The scientists tell Josh to make equal cookies and cola in the same pack and give it to people in the park. How many packs will Josh give to the humans in the park? 

Sueda Ergüven 8E

My friend and I went to the snake bar to get some snacks. The snacks are good, but we are sick and tired of eating the same old snacks every day! My friend told me that we should go to Mars and see what kind of snacks the aliens there have, so we became astronauts and flew up to Mars. The aliens greeted us with their funny and wobbly language. Sooner or later, we found the Martian snack store. My favorites were the Alien Bites and my friend liked the Slime Crackers. So we bought 30 packs of Alien Bites and 18 packs of Slime Crackers. We needed to divide the snacks into packs equally in order to take them home. At most, how many snack packs with equal amounts of snacks can we make?

Winners of World Space Week 2021

A Calamity in the Galaxy, Ela Evcil

"A Calamity in the Galaxy" by Ela İlayda Evcil

The Aliens of the Paleozoic, Demir Koç

"The Aliens of the Paleozoic" by Demir Koç

The Power of Women, Mina Su Ataç

"Power of Women" by Mina Su Ataç

Aim for the Moon, Land in Sanora, Maya Özüm

"Aim for the Moon, Land in Sanora" by Maya Özüm

8th Grade

Deniz Bülbüloğlu -- I am the Moon

Delfin Ferhan İkiz-- The 9th and Them

Kaan Kotan -- Titanic Problem

Deniz BÜLBÜLOĞLU - I am the Moon
Delfin Ferhan İKİZ - The 9th and Them
Kaan KOTAN - Titanic Problem

7th Grade

Yasemin Urçar -- Paragraph on Sentinel 6

Nehrun Koçum -- Essay on MAIA

Nehrun KOÇUM -- MAIA

6th Grade

Ekin Yıldız -- Michael and the Aliens

Nasya Naz Usta -- Space Hero

Ekin Yıldız -- Michael and the Aliens

5th Grade

Irmak Gökdere -- Doom the Moon

Demir Onat -- Squirrel With No Moon

Doom the Moon -- Irmak Gökdere
Squirrel With No Moon -- Demir Onat