I. What is a writing center?

The writing center is a low-pressure environment in which you’ll work with your peers or teachers on a writing piece of your choice. There are 20-40 minute sessions where you’ll talk/work with your consultant one on one focusing on your piece. We work with anything from short stories to essays, university personal statements to the Spanish AP essay. We can help with exam writing as well -- SAT, PSAT, IELTS, TOEFL.

II. How do I make an appointment?


  • Go to the Hisar School website.

  • Go to your HisarNet by clicking on “Öğrenciler” at the top of the website

  • After you’ve logged in, scroll to the bottom and click on one of the three Writing Center links.

  • Choose a suitable time frame for your session

  • Make sure to email your writing or assignment to your consultant in advance

III. When can I drop in?

After you get permission from your teachers you can come anytime. We also have sessions afterschool. (Just don’t forget to make an appointment! We have to get ready)

By Defne Konuk and Zeynep Urçar