Mini-Grant Program
The Vaccination Outreach for Hawai‘i Students Project is offering mini-grants. Students, adult allies, and community-based organizations are encouraged to apply. The mini-grants will be awarded for activities that will increase access to COVID-19 vaccinations, information, and resources. Activities will be for students ages 5-18 and their families. Mini-grants ranging from $100-$2,000 will be awarded for activities that will take place until March 2022. The goal of each activity is to reach 20 or more students.
The project is funded by Kaiser Permanente via the Public Goods Project and is organized in partnership with the Hawai'i Afterschool Alliance and the Hawai'i Public Health Institute.
Program Guidelines
Mini-grants will support activities that:
Engage with students and/or their families to better understand the COVID-19 vaccine and COVID-19-related concerns.
Link students and their families to local vaccination and COVID-19 testing resources.
Assist in designing and disseminating age-appropriate and culturally relevant communication materials to provide relevant information and resources to encourage students to get vaccinated.
The types of activities that we hope to fund may include but are not limited to:
Student-led education or outreach projects.
Hosting listening sessions or forums focused on raising awareness among students and their families.
Events that bring students and families together for safe discussion.
Events and digital campaigns where students and their families are able to share their stories.
Guest speakers and training.
Creating a social media campaign or other marketing strategies.
Other activities effective at reaching students.
Program Timeline
Funding is still available! Applications are reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis.
Applicants will be notified within 10 days of receipt of their mini-grant application.
All awardees will have to submit a final impact report 2 weeks after the completion of their activity.
All mini-grant activities should be completed by March 2022.
Who can apply for a mini-grant?
Small teams of middle and high school students with an adult ally: $100-$500
Schools, community groups, and organizations serving students ages 12-18: $500-$2,000
**In order to receive funds, legal name, mailing address, and W-9 form will be required.
Program Expectations
Parameters and expectations of allowable projects**:
Demonstrate community need for COVID-19-related outreach and education.
Clear strategies for reaching students and their families.
Commitment to providing documentation and proof of expenditures to Project Manager along with the final report.
Share basic aggregated and de-identified data from activities and produce a final impact report with reflections on activities and successes.
# of individuals reached through projects, including those aged 5-11 and 12-18.
# of individuals involved in implementing the projects.
# of students who register to get the vaccination.
# of students who receive vaccination (identified during events connected to vaccine clinics).
Share key themes of information gathered during activities to inform best practices for education and outreach to students.
Share feedback about lessons learned.
Comply with local, state, and federal laws.
**These guidelines may be partially amended to better reflect the objectives of our funding sources. If there is an amendment after you submit a proposal, you will receive a notice and, if necessary, be allowed to update your proposal.
Projects should not:
Be for the purpose of obtaining a profit.
Be overtly political and/or relate to a specific political party.
Center around boycotts and/or to campaign against something.